miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2007


In Anchorage, Alaska, Citgo reminds the passer by that Hugo Chavez is the champion of the poor. I wonder what would happen if a Chevron-Texaco gas station in Venezuela ( are there any left?) read: Support Bush, pay at the pump. This is an example of what Chavez calls assymetric war. The U.S. lets Chavez do things in the U.S. that he would not let the U.S. do in Venezuela.

2 comentarios:

  1. To me the picture seems fishy. The letters "Support Hugo Chavez" are blurred, but they are sharper than the other elements of the sign. I don't think those words were actually displayed on the physical sign.

  2. The picture was sent to me by someone in whom I trust completely. However, I have not seen the sign with my own eyes
