viernes, 12 de octubre de 2007


In Atlanta, Georgia, they have put up this sign with the faces (from left to right) of Ahmadinejad (fanaticism), Bin Laden (terrorism) and Chavez (despotism). International public opinion is starting to recognize Chavez for what he is, certainly not a defender of the poor but just another tyrant and a threat to hemispheric political stability. I hope Jimmy Carter can see it!

3 comentarios:

  1. That picture is up on every redneck, neo-conservative talk radio ad in the country. While I agree that Chavez is leading Venezuela down a dark path, it's not really valid to group him with bin Laden.
    This is the problem with right-wing rhetoric: it's too polarized, never thoroughly considered, incendiary, and has absolutely ZERO nuance as far as its world view goes.

  2. Perhaps not up (down?) with Bin Laden, but consider these quotes taken from Caracas Chronicles. Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are.

    I feel I have met a brother and trench mate after meeting Chávez." -Ahmadinejad on Chávez

    "You are and always will be a true freedom warrior." -Chávez on Mugabe

    "...he's a brother..." -Chávez on Saddam

    "...a friend and brother." -Chávez on Qaddafi

    "We have the same political vision." Chavez on Bashar Al-Assad.

    "I am only a soldier in this battle. Fidel is our president. If we had to name a president of the world with enough powers to set it right, it would be Fidel. I believe in one decade he could set the world right." -Chávez on Fidel Castro

    Nuance, schmuance.

  3. eres tremendo marico te acuerdas cuando gemias pidiendo mas pedaso de marico ahora te la tiras de antichvista el malo si eres tan malo pero con el guevo bien metido hasta el fondo maldito marico
