viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2008


Democracy and freedom lovingVenezuelans (chavistas not included) love underdogs. When a Venezuelan gets to be 35, he,she becomes conservative in politics, after being leftist in college. With a job, marriage and responsibilities come a heightened sense of caution in their approach to politics and social life in general.
But one thing they cannot resist is the combination of a succesful and attractive political leader. The immense majority of Venezuelans today have fallen in love with Sarah Paulin, the candidate for the Vice-presidency in the Republican ticket. Most Venezuelans are "democrats" by instinct but this time around they do not find what they need in the democratic camp. Obama? sure, he is bright and has a great future but Venezuelans are wary of messianic figures, after what happened to them with Chavez. Biden? No way, José. Too savvy, lacks inexperience, candor.
On the other side of the fence they see McCain, a man who can put snakes to sleep, almost completely devoid of charisma, but sound and decisive as a leader. The difference has been Palin. She is vibrant, fresh, irreverent and a fighter, as well as civilized and commited to democracy, everything Venezuelans love about a leader.
If U.S. elections were held in Venezuela Sarah Palin would give the Republicans a huge victory.

2 comentarios:

  1. Generally lighter-skinned, anti-democratic, and pro-imperial/comprador Venezuelans 'like' Palin--just like this venal class of vendepatrias love beauty contestants (with no brains--only fake boobs).

    Average Venezuelans, however, are just as appauled by Palin as they are the war-monger McCain.

    The US GOP has failed miserably--and they will suffer huge loses in November when Obama wins.

  2. Vivo en California y votare por los Republicanos porque amo tanto a los Estados Unidos como a Venezuela. La mejor manera de luchar por Democracia en Venezuela es mantener una politica dura de los Estados Unidos ante la dictadura corrupta de chavez, no dialogar con el como si Venezuela viviera en Democracia. McCain y Palin trataran a chavez como lo que es.
    Todos mis amigos venezolanos viviendo en Venezuela o en el extranjero dicen lo mismo: Barack Obama, en sus discursos se parece al chavez de 1998 (Yo no los puedo comparar porque NUNCA he oido a chavez y tampoco a Obama durante estas elecciones)
