jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009


Carlos M.Pietri?

A man who signs Carlos M. Pietri has written a long article in the mercenary site VHeadline.com, (warning: is full of trash and Spam and will hurt your computer if you are not careful) attacking me, not so much my ideas, a propos of my article: “Ten Ways Hugo Chavez hurts the United States of America”, published in this blog, and also in w.petroleumworld.com/ed09052001.htm and in the blog on global issues http://www.europeancourier.org/188.htm . To judge by the numerous attacks I have received, this article must have hurt chavistas, as it provides a brief, compact summary of the ways Hugo Chavez has become a nuisance and a threat to the Western Hemisphere and, particularly, to the United States.
Items in "Carlos M. Pietri’s" article:
· “Gustavo Coronel, who has been both lying and bitter about Chavez…”
· “Coronel… rails [against] Islamic religion and its aversion to communism….”
· “Chavez is recognized as a leader for his humanist and anti-imperialist positions”
· “Besides detesting the unpatriotic attitude of the writer… “
· “Coronel is not a trustworthy person… an individual who once aspired to the PDVSA’s presidency and was never considered…”
· “Coronel insinuates that the Mexican government will allow access to Arab terrorists with Venezuelan passports….”
· “Coronel [holds] the theory that Chavez [is] supporting the FARC… I wonder if he is talking about Raul Reyes laptops….”
· “Gustavo Coronel is only thinking about his own benefit…it has always been like that…
· Signs carlos.pietri@vheadline.com
Here are my answers:
· I have been long bitter about Chavez. What decent Venezuelan wouldn’t be bitter about an ignorant dictator who has ruined our country? Lying? There is plenty of supporting evidence for my assertions. I will appear in public next to "Mr. Pietri"in order to compare notes. "Mr. Pietri" knows who I am. Nobody knows who Mr. Pietri is, except his wife, perhaps.
· I do not rail against Islamic religion. I rail against Islamic terrorism. Don’t you know how to read? My aversion to communism is strong and public. Castro, Stalin, a couple of assassins. You can have them, "Mr. Pietri".
· Don’t make me laugh! Who recognizes Chavez for his humanist position? Mugabe? Gahdaffi? Ahmadinejad? His parasitic satellites Morales and Correa? Roy Carson? Anti-imperialist? Being in bed with China and Russia makes him anti-imperialistic? Don’t be ignorant “Pietri”.
· I am not unpatriotic. I am against Chavez. Being against Chavez makes me patriotic!!
· This stupidity about PDVSA and about being arrogant with Bernardo Diaz is sheer nonsense. Bernardo Diaz was (and, I hope, is) a gentleman I highly respected and had affection for.
· Not the Mexican government! The Iranian terrorists and Venezuelan accomplices are connected with the Mexican drug dealers, certainly not with the government. Don’t be stupid, “Pietri”.
· Of course I am thinking about Raul Reyes’ laptops! Only Insulza and Carson still deny the FARC-Chavez connection. This is a well-established fact.
· Thinking only about my own benefit? I don’t get paid to fight against the dictator. Chavez, on the other hand, pays mercenaries like Carson to keep him in power. Who are the villains? Who is this mysterious "Carlos M. Pietri"? Cédula, please…
This article is interesting for several reasons; (1), the man "Pietri" is not known in Venezuela. I wish he could identify himself better; (2), his arguments are against me as a person, rather than against my ideas. Is this what Editor Carson calls decent journalism? And, (3), VHeadline is full of ghosts: Carlos Herrera, now Pietri, they seem to be created by poor Carson to keep up the pretense he has a group of collaborators.

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Mr. Coronel, keep on going, we´re over here in germany like to read your analyses of Vzla.

    Thugs like Carson or even worse Arthur Shaw are writing so much bull that my monitor turns brown when I open one of theire articles. I am asking my self all the time, why this scum does not move to an "sozialistic" country? Cuba, Northkorea for example...

    All the best from europe Hans
