viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

The bull that leaks the most tells Obama and Uribe to go and wash their jackets

Agencia Bolobanánica de noticias, ABN
Versión en Inglés de las declaraciones del Comandante Hugo Chávez

The bull that leaks the most tells Obama and Uribe to go and wash their jackets.

Our Comander Supreme, the bull that leaks the most, Hugo Chavez, said before an audience of followers: “ Obama and Uribe should go and wash their jackets”. Our commander in chief added: “We have liberated Venezuela from the hands of imperialists but Uribe is handing Colombia to them in a silver plate. Obama is like Bush, the same blackie with a different pipe, another donki”.
The bull that leaks the most sent the audience into an orgasm of enthusiasm when he said: “Our country will never be a cologne again”.

Traducción de Pedro Carreño.

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