domingo, 17 de enero de 2010

A Letter to Joseph Kennedy III

Att. Mr. Joseph Kennedy, III:

Dear Mr. Kennedy:
You participate in a program of free fuel for the U.S. poor promoted by CITGO, the Houston based Venezuelan-owned petroleum company. You probably know that Venezuela has been run for the last eleven years by an authoritarian leader that has destroyed democracy and has engaged in a program of handouts to the Venezuelan poor and to ideological friends in the hemisphere essentially designed to consolidate his political power. This behavior, together with his total ineptness as an administrator and the hyper-corruption existing in his regime, have created social and economic chaos in our country. The program you participate in is part of a global strategy of propaganda for the Chavez regime and is being done in violation of our laws that forbid the giving away of our petroleum resources. This program is not a act of true philantropy since the U.S. poor are ten times less needy that the Venezuelan poor. Today Venezuelans are in the dark for hours, often cannot take a shower and are having problems to find even the most basic foodstuffs in the market.
You have a distinguished name in America. Your uncle and father stood for democracy and freedom. And yet you have become a partner to a despot. You are betraying your heritage.
As a Venezuelan I resent your complicity with a man who has ruined our country. When Chavez is gone, the extent of your participation in his murky dealings will be fully exposed.
Gustavo Coronel

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