domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010

Chaderton says one thing at the OAS and records another.

Hugo Chavez's envoy to the OAS gave a speech at the OAS and changed some of its components in his "official"transcript. This is an example of the duplicity of this guys. It is something similar to what the regime does when they change the constitution and call it an "error de gaceta", a printing error.

A friend sent me the following comparison between the speech he gave and the "official" transcript he produced later. Below is the complete, unofficial translation of the speech, as he gave it. In italics and bold is what he took out of the official transcript. In larger type and bold is what he changed in the official transcript.
CAVEAT: This might not be 100 percent accurate but is close to it.

Thank you, Mr. President.

As a cosponsor of this request for a joint debate together with the distinguished delegation from Canada, it was my intention to speak last, but the spies I have distributed throughout the lecture hall have informed me that there is some possibility that some of the heads of mission are awaiting the opportunity to speak after the presentation by the Bolivarian government. I hope I am mistaken; but in any case, if that is the way it is, let us welcome the debate.

I am going to begin by reading an interesting prologue and that may perhaps more or less add a minute or a minute and a half to what I intend to take. If I go over the ten minutes I beg of you to interrupt me and I will request an extension, but in any case I believe I have some minutes if we take into account the fact that my colleagues from the member countries of ALBA, since they have spoken less than six minutes.

I begin to read:

“…The media also can be used to block community and injure the integral good of persons: by alienating people or marginalizing and isolating them; drawing them into perverse communities organized around false, destructive values; fostering hostility and conflict, demonizing others and creating a mentality of "us" against "them"; presenting what is base and degrading in a glamorous light, while ignoring or belittling what uplifts and ennobles; spreading misinformation and disinformation, fostering trivialization and banality. Stereotyping—based on race and ethnicity, sex and age and other factors, including religion—is distressingly common in media. Often, too, social communication overlooks what is genuinely new and important
, including the good news of the Gospel [Ambassador omits the blue text], and concentrates on the fashionable or faddish. Abuses exist in each of the areas just mentioned [Ambassador omits the blue text].The media sometimes are used to build and sustain economic systems that serve acquisitiveness and greed. Neoliberalism is a case in point: "Based on a purely economic conception of man", it "considers profit and the law of the market as its only parameters, to the detriment of the dignity of and the respect due to individuals and peoples" (Pope John Paul II, Ecclesia in America, 156) [Ambassador includes this sentence but fails to identify this sentence as the only one coming from John Paul II, while erroneously attributing the entire paragraph to John Paul II]. In such circumstances, means of communication that ought to benefit all are exploited for the advantage of the few…”

Who said this? A subversive such as President Hugo Chávez? An international agitator such as Foreign Minister Nicolás Maduro?

Let us read:

John Paul II. Document of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications: Ethics in Social Communications. 24 June 2000. [As a matter of fact, this document was signed by John P. Foley, who is now a cardinal, on 4 June 2000, and not 24 June 2000.]

Mr. President:

My rank as a career diplomat and respectful democratic politician has always led me to not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries except when other governments meddle in Venezuela’s internal affairs. My performance at the OAS is a testimony of my Government’s commitment to these fundamental principles. But each time another government commits an aggression against mine it will receive from me a proportionate or more than proportionate response.

February is carnival month. I invoke Rio de Janeiro, Port of Spain, Barranquilla, New Orleans and La Ville de Québec, among other cities. Yes, there is a carnival in Canada, but with a difference. Not because Quebec’s ice carnival takes place under extreme temperatures. The difference is that when other countries are beginning to don their masks, in Canada the representatives of the far right begin to unmask themselves.

I speak of diplomacy and respect for freedom of expression; an opportunity to relate the story of a journalist of the far right who recently visited Venezuela. He petitioned for interviews with my Foreign Minister and other government officials who were unable to adapt their schedules to that proposed by the visitor. In reality he was not interested in speaking with my government but rather with the opposition in order to encourage them and lend them support, among them the coup mongers and de-stabilizers. He found two important assembly members of the government whose opinions were not relevant to him.

The recent media censorship of a speech by President Hugo Chávez by the coup mongering television broadcaster RCTV—Does Venezuela have any television broadcasters? Or does it have coup mongers? I assume that each of the countries represented here, especially the more loquacious, well, also have coup mongering television broadcasters who operate under complete freedom. But that television broadcaster —is supported by this journalist, who upon his return ventured to say that in my country there has been a reduction in democratic spaces. Who is this gentleman? Someone with moral authority? A journalist like any other who can opine about whatever comes to his mind without any major consequences other than a democratic polemic? No! His name is Peter Kent, Minister of State for Latin America [more correctly, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs (Americas)] at the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Then, who has ever seen a person of such high rank, who has not been able or willing to agree upon a schedule with his potential host, impose his own presence on the country, abusing its democratic flexibility? What diplomacy! What disrespect!

For a long time Canada has been the country that has performed best on our continent. Nonetheless, there are recent events and small details:

Because of its meddling I denounce the violation of the norms of non intervention by Canada’s current minority government. That was not the Canada of Lester Pearson, Nobel Peace Prize, a posteriori, who universalized his people’s right to health, nor that of John Diefenbaker, a conservative prime minister, sensitive to socialized medicine. Nor that of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, a leader who would not accept orders from Washington, one of the most brilliant statesmen of the twentieth century, sensitized by the ideas of Christian socialism. Nor that of Jean Crétien, a liberal leader, elected three times by his people, and who had a cordial relationship with President Hugo Chávez. I speak of a Canada governed by a far right wing that shut down Parliament for several months in order to dodge an investigation concerning the violation of human rights—I am speaking of torture and murder by its soldiers in Afghanistan—that censures protests in Ontario and criticisms of the winter Olympics in Vancouver, one that has flirted with the Honduran coup mongers and, of course, this love has not gone unrequited. It is prepared for an offensive in favor of the media dictatorship in Latin America and to destabilize the governments of the left upon request. Nonetheless, I must express my appreciation to the government of Canada for its concern for the two dead students and inform it that they were militants of the left assassinated by gunmen of the opposition. We await its official condolences as we also await the condolences for the dozens of peasants and labor union leaders assassinated by our opponents. With this I want to say that in this movie the government of Canada placed itself on the side of the bandits and I believe that it lost its democratic political virginity.

[At this moment the President of the Council interrupts him]:

“Ambassador Chaderton, you are going to have to distribute your presentation, I believe a second…”

[Chaderton responds with his justification and request for an extension]:

“Yes. Mr. President, it has to do with… I would appeal to the gentle representatives through you, because it has to do with judging a country’s policy and the sovereign representative of that country needs to express himself. This is an odd Organization where, for example, the employees and bureaucrats of the Organization have the liberty to express themselves for twenty, thirty, forty, fifty minutes and we the representatives of the sovereign state see ourselves restricted by a limitation of our freedom of expression and since we are speaking of the respect for the freedom of expression, I appeal through you, Mr. President, to my colleagues, permanent representative ambassadors. I believe I have four or five minutes remaining…”

[President of the Council]:

“Of course, Ambassador. I immediately submit it for consideration by the Members of the Permanent Council. If they are in agreement with extending the time for Ambassador Chaderton’s presentation. If there are no objections I shall assume that it is agreed upon. Ambassador, proceed.”


“Thank you for your graciousness, Mr. President.”

[Chaderton resumes his programmed presentation]:

As I was saying:

Oh, Canada! How many crimes have been committed in your name?

Within this circle of the far right there participates a pitiful Inter-American Commission on Human Rights that remained silent when faced with the mask of the Caracazo in Venezuela and supported the coup against President Chávez together with the Inter-American mafia of human rights bureaucrats who have infiltrated the OAS with the complicity of its highest authority, as well as an Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression that believes that the private initiative to defame, censure and destabilize is a freedom that deserves its protection.

Faced with the media dictatorship, the Empire, and its partners, under the Bolivarian Revolution we enjoy extreme freedom of expression and are developing to the maximum all human rights, as well as those of the indigenous peoples, a subject on which we offer advice to the government of Canada in order to rescue their indigent indigenous peoples from the claws of exclusion and extreme poverty.

The Axis of Evil in the Pacific is testing new procedures, and knowing that the far right cannot draw popular support away from President Chávez, will do what it can to sabotage Venezuelan democracy in hopes of winning the legislative elections this September and thereafter to repeat Operation Tegucigalpa and afterwards another Operation Jakarta just as the one staged in its time by the CIA and media star Henry Kissinger against Chile’s democracy.

This debate is not incidental, Mr. President. The agenda of the Republican Party continues to be fulfilled unencumbered in Latin America. Behind the drapes stands the most violent power in history, one that violates all human rights in the name of democracy and security. So historically aggressive that if I were to ask for a show of hands from the ambassadors of countries that have been dismembered, invaded by the Marines, or whose democratic governments have been overturned by United States intervention, a forest of arms would arise and of course the Secretary General would hurriedly jump up in order to travel to all of the countries that have been trampled by the Imperial power, in order to lay down bridges of straw and, in passing, pick up a small handful of votes for his reelection.

The law is the law. That is why we protest before the governments of the United States and Canada for their having incited the mediocre, racist, violent and vulgar RCTV to disobedience. Accustomed to broadcasting adult programming during children’s hours, during the coup against President Chávez in 2002 it broadcast children’s programming—The Jungle Book, Tom and Jerry—during adult hours in order to conceal the people’s rebellion against the coup. Five years later its concession, property of the state, was not renewed, and it went on to broadcast by cable. Today, with ninety percent of its programming being Venezuelan, it disguises itself as being an international television broadcaster so as not to classify its programming, play the National Anthem, or broadcast the required official messages. The case of TV Chile [was] that all it had to do was register and prove that it is not a Venezuelan station [different wording in official text]. The same thing happened with the broadcasters linked to Televisa.

RCTV is a television broadcaster with a criminal media tradition. Starting in 1984 it led the private media silencing of former President Luis Herrera Campins, far from being a leader of the Latin American left, punished for having prohibited liquor and cigarette advertising over the media and for requiring radio broadcasters to put on one Venezuelan musical piece for every one that was imported. This sanction lasted until his death in 2007. As a curious bit of fact, the radical opposition television broadcaster—I speak here of opposition television broadcasters because in my country the media have taken the place of the political parties—Globovisión transmits freely because it accepts the regulation—I recommend you watch it. Yes, it is easy to access it over the internet—RCTV sees itself as the spoiled daughter of the dregs of the international media and simply does not obey the law.

Then the Axis of Evil can…the Axis of Evil can then rely on the support of RCTV, El Nazi-Onal [El Nacional] and Globovisión in Venezuela with the support of Fox News, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, James Murdoch [substituted by Pat Robertson in the official text], The Miami Herald, CNN en Español, the Diarios America group, the Santos family’s El Tiempo, the Ealy family’s El Universal [Mexico], El País of Madrid, The Inter-American Broadcasters Association, The Inter-American Press Society, the representatives of media terrorism, the Southern Command and the Fourth Fleet in this Witches Sabbath of the Inter-American gloom.

Mr. President:
At the beginning of the bicentennial of our independence and bound for our Second Independence, they will not be able to hold back our Bolivarian vanguard for social justice, democracy and peace.

Thank you, Mr. President.

1 comentario:

  1. videos de los Consejos Permanentes están online en y casi nunca son editados al menos que se trate del SecGen. saludos.
