miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

Brazil's Lula calls Ahmadinejad and Chavez "Nutty leaders" who need constant supervision.

Lula, looking totally sane, speaks about two not so sane leaders.

(Thanks to Pedro M. Burelli for sending the newspaper information).

Last Sunday, in his TV show, ALO PRESIDENTE, Hugo Chavez felt in the mood for teaching natural sciences and he said to the flock of red-clad, loyal bureaucrats that attend all his TV sessions: “It has been scientifically proven that the genes of the worms and flies are identical to human genes”. He looked at the audience for a few seconds before adding: “This means that the genes of a worm and, say, the genes of Hugo Chavez are identical. Moreover, the genes of a fly are identical to those of anyone of you”. The cameras traveled all over the room to show the silent, respectful attitude of the bureaucrats, now reduced to the role of flies circling the Chavez’s regime, while Chavez had kept his distance and had self- identiified with a worm (presumably a fly-eating worm).
Chavez’s inumerable TV appearances are full of strange moments but this was among the top ranked, together with the one in which he asserted that 8x7 equaled 52 and his Cantinflas-like explanation about the time change of half an hour that took place in Venezuela or his proposal to “bombard” the world with “arepas”, the popular Venezuelan dish. The collection of these TV appearances would be enough for a psychiatrist to declare him incompetent to manage his own affairs, let alone the country’s. So far, they have only served as the Venezuelan version of “You bet your life”, the hilarious Groucho Marx Show.
Now the president of Brazil, Mr. Lula da Silva, has added some weight to the suspicion all Venezuelans have had for a long time. He has said to a Brazilian newspaper that Chavez and Ahmadinejad are a couple of “nutty” leaders who need permanent supervision. He added that he supervises Chavez once every four months or so.
Below is the newspaper report:

Lula da Silva refers to Ahmadinejad and Chavez as two “nutties”, says O’Globo

“Brazilian president Lula da Silva allegedly referred to Iranian president Mahmud Ahmadinejad and Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez as “nutty” leaders which must be kept under control through close links", reports the Brazilian newspaper O’Globo.

1 comentario:

  1. Empty words. He does nothing to dissuade those "nuts" from acting as they do, and discourages sanctions against them.
