lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010

Correa talks extorsion again, threatens China.

"Ecuador will not forget the "mistreatment" by China in failed talks to finance a hydroelectric station, President Rafael Correa said Saturday, threatening to seek financing from Taiwan".

It is possible that Correa was right in dismissing the Chinese demands but what is not very elegant is his threat to ask Taiwan for financing. He is behaving like a scorned lady who says: "Since Peter is not nice to me I am going to go to bed with Robert". It seems evident that he does no care for Taiwan, only for its money. Correa looks and behaves like Chavez's younger brother.

1 comentario:

  1. Remember how the old Latin American dictators used to demand expensive presents they could convert into cash, which were really bribes, in order to do business? I think Correa is becoming the modern equivalent. He's closer to "old school" in his style than many people appreciate.


