lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Enrique Ter Horst speaks about the elections: opposition wins vote but loses majority!!

Says Ter Horst:
In spite of garnering a 52% majority, the constitutional fraud embodied in the Organic Law on Electoral Processes described in Summary 46 produced a parliamentary majority for the national minority, the PSUV-PCV alliance, with 95 seats for the national loser and 64 deputies for the winning Opposition Alliance.  66% of the electorate participated in the election. A more complete analysis of the results will be forthcoming tomorrow, but one thing is already quite clear: President Chávez had called the oppositions’ narrow victory defeating his proposed constitutional reform referendum in December 2007 a “victoria de mierda.” The vulgar expression could now be used much more appropriately for his new parliamentary “majority”.

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