viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

La Central Nuclear "Negra Primera" la va a financiar el negro

No una sino tres centrales nucleares están en la mente de Hugo Chávez. En el vuelo de Moscú a Teherán le decía a Maduro: “Mira, Maduro, vamos a hacer tres centrales: la Negra Primera, la Negra Segunda y la Negra Tercera”.

“Y de donde va a salir el dinero para todo eso, comandante?”

“Chico, del negro... El negro que nos da todo lo que queremos, el petróleo”.

1 comentario:

  1. I would like to kow your opinion about a possible use of the reactors. From time to time one hears about the use of heat-generating nuclear reactors to heat tar sands for heavy oil production purposes. In the Orinoco oil belt case I think one study done many years ago involved the possible purchase of several UK-built fast breeder reactors. Is it possible that the Venezuelan goverment are revisiting the idea? The countries/companies that have been assigned parts of the Orinoco oil belt might be insisting on the installation of some nuclear reactors in the Orinoco area as a precondition to go into heavy oil production. It would be a good deal for Russia, for example, if they also got to the contract to supply the reactors.
