viernes, 11 de enero de 2013

Insulza approved a power vacuum in Venezuela

Speaking for the OAS Mr. Jose M. Insulza said today that the organization approved the decision made by the Venezuelan regime concerning the absence of Hugo Chavez. Mr. Insulza endorsed the delegated “presidency” of Maduro, apparently without consulting with his legal advisers. He acted wrongly because what he has approved is a total power vacuum in Venezuela. The decree 9315, dated December 9, 2012, gave Vice-president Maduro  authorization to do certain things and to sign certain documents but this was a very partial authorization. As a result there is no one in Venezuela at this moment that can: name or remove ministers; decide on foreign policy matters; sign international treaties or agreements; to be the head of the Armed Force and decide on its affairs; to promote the military; to suspend guarantees ; to convoke extraordinary sessions of the National Assembly; to issue decrees regulating laws; to sign contracts of national interest; to name or remove the Legal Assistant of the presidency; to regulate the number and work of the ministries, including cabinet meetings; to dissolve the National Assembly; to convoke and lead the defense Council.  

Venezuela has no real constitutional, funcytioning president at this moment in time, but a puppet controlled by the Cubans. Venezuela is a country without a president for an indefinite amount of time. This is, however, what the ignorant Mr. Insulza just approved in the name of the OAS.  

4 comentarios:

  1. Would you have expected any less from Insulza?

  2. Really, no. He is an insect. What I cannot understand is why/how he was unanimously voted for a second term, when everybody knew he was a gangster.

  3. Probably because he has no balls, which is why he is so easily swayed and manipulated. Very convenient for those who have a vested interest in milking the sacred cow.

  4. Jaime: I couldn't live with myself. At some point you have to stand for something.
