domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

Carter Center and Carter Library: siamese brothers


 Carter Center and Library/Museum Complex, in the 1980's

I am still intrigued by the event taking place next Monday at the Carter Library, the signing of a book laudatory of Hugo Chavez, written by a Mr. George Ciccariello–Maher, a pro-Chavez, pro-Castro, radical activist, who spent a year in Venezuela working with the “revolution”. I wrote a post criticizing the association of this event with the name of Jimmy Carter and erroneously mentioned that the event would take place at the Carter Center. Dr. Jennifer McCoy, from the Carter Center, graciously pointed out that this was not the case, that the event would be held at the Carter Library, and that they at the Center had “nothing to do with it”.

I was not entirely satisfied with this explanation. The two institutions are physically located next to each other. They are part of a complex bearing the name of Jimmy Carter. Can an event in the Library promoting a satrapy be totally unknown to the Center? If I was running a monastery, could Hugh Hefner be invited to talk at another building of my complex without my knowledge and green light?  I doubt it.

 Directions to The Carter Center

The Carter Center
453 Freedom Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30307
(404) 420-5100 or (800) 550-3560


Directions to The Carter Library
441 Freedom Parkway
Atlanta, Georgia
Tel: 404-865-7100
Fax: 404-865-7102

To reach the Library by automobile:    From the North or South, take Interstate 75/85 to exit 248C, Freedom Parkway. Follow the signs to the Carter Center.

2 comentarios:

  1. En más de una oportunidad he señalado el extraño caso de Cartes, el rosado, quien siempre coquetea con el extremismo izquierdista. Y lo he señalado porque una vez leí que regresó son esas piquiñas después de un viaje a la URSS. Cosas de conspiranoicos o inquietante realidad... A nosotros nos vendió en la fmaosa reunión de las tres C (Cartes- Chávez-Cisneors) en la cual arreglaron lo del revocatorio y otras lindezas.

    ¿Mrs. McCoy? No digo lo que pienso porque sería indelicado con una dama (¡&"%&$#%!) Baste decir que es una cínica ñangarosa

  2. Fe de erratas: Carter, no Cartes, Cisneros, no Cisneors
