jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

Another case of corruption in PDVSA/ Otro caso de corrupción en PDVSA

Este es un "casito" de unos $350.000, pero demuestra que la corrupción en PDVSA es generalizada. Sobornos y extorsión, porque la empresa pagó porque los gerentes de la empresa se lo exigieron.
Y Nicolás sigue hablando paja sobre la lucha contra la corrupción. Que miseria de gente!


In re Oil States International, Inc.


Oil States
Matter Type:
SEC Civil
Date Filed:
April 27, 2006
Full Case Name:
In re Oil States International, Inc.
In the Matter of Oil States International, Inc., SEC Administrative Proceeding File No. 3-12280 (April 27, 2006)
Energy (Non-Utility)-Oil & Gas-Other/Multi
Date of Conduct:
2003; 2004
A wholly owned Oil States subsidiary made payments to employees of Petroleos de Venezuelan (PDVSA), a government-owned Venezuela energy company.
Oil States International, Inc. ("Oil States") settled this action with the SEC without admitting or denying the following facts alleged in the SEC's complaint.

The SEC issued a cease-and-desist order against Oil States, because employees of a wholly-owned Oil States subsidiary accepted and paid inflated invoices from a consultant for the purposes of making improper payments to Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), a government-owned Venezuelan energy company. The subsidiary's employees' recording of the charges as genuine violated the FCPA's regulations on keeping accurate books and records, and Oil States's failure to implement training and compliance programs violated the FCPA's regulations on internal controls.

Oil States's wholly-owned subsidiary Hydraulic Well Control ("HWC") hired a Venezuelan consultant help it work effectively with PDVSA. In December 2003, three PDVSA employees approached the consultant and asked the consultant to submit inflated bills to HWC for his services and pay excess funds to the PDVSA employees. If the consultant had refused, the PDVSA employees threatened to stop or delay HWC's work. The consultant told three HWC employees about the scheme, and the HWC employees agreed to accept inflated invoices. From December 2003 to November 2004 HWC provided approximately $348,350 in improper payments to the consultant, who in turn paid the PDVSA employees.

HWC improperly recorded the payments to the PDVSA employees as ordinary business expenses on its books, records, and accounts. Oil States and HWC both failed to take steps to train or otherwise ensure that the consultant and HWC employees complied with the FCPA.
FCPA Statutory Provision:
Books and records (Issuer), Internal controls (Issuer)
Injunction/Cease and desist
Sanction Details:
The SEC imposed the sanctions agreed to in Oil States's Offer of Settlement. However, it did not assign a civil fine or disgorgement penalty due, in large part, to the strong remedial measures undertaken and cooperation afforded the Commission by Oil States.
Total Sanction ($):
Not stated.
Term of Imprisonment (months):
Defendant Jurisdiction Basis:
Defendant (U.S. or Foreign):
Type of Business to be Obtained:
Contract Procurement/Retention
Value of Business to be Obtained ($):
Not stated.
Sales Agent/Consultant
Amount of Payments ($):
Payment Country:
Bank Account Country:
United States
M&A Case:
Self Disclosed?:



In the Matter of Oil States International, Inc. (D.D.C., April 27, 2006): On April 27, 2006, the Commission instituted settled administrative proceedings against Oil States International, Inc. for violations of the record keeping and internal controls provisions of the FCPA. The Commission Order arises from certain payments made through its Hydraulic Well Control, LLC (HWC) subsidiary. Oil States, through certain employees of HWC, provided approximately $348,350 in improper payments to employees of Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PdVSA), an energy company owned by the government of Venezuela. The employees were asked to participate in the scheme by a consultant for HWC, after he was requested to do so by the PdVSA employees. HWC improperly recorded the payments in its accounting books and records as ordinary business expenses, which were consolidated into those of its parent, Oil States. 

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