viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Venezuela: insecurity now extends to race horses

 **** A country in chaos

An Associated Press report indicates that the horses at the Caracas race track are being poisoned by gangs that control illegal gambling in the country. Poisoners target the favorites in races, the latest one being the favorite to win the Army Derby, a 4-year old named Rio Negro. Illicit betting in Venezuela, says the report, moves 60 times more money than legal betting. Entire mafias are active in this illegal betting and in the poisoning of animals.

Venezuela is one of the countries in the world with the highest crime rate and the highest numbers of kidnappings. There are hundreds of urban gangs armed to the teeth, most of them promoted by the regime to terrorize their political opponents. Now, even the race horses are being massacred, one more tragedy in a country that is running out of control. 

1 comentario:

  1. Que valor de x, es necesario para destruir un país donde x representa el número de criminales por cada 1000 habitantes?
