martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014

Venezuela: second highest rate of homicides in the western hemisphere

Fuente UN. 
 La más reciente investigación sobre violencia en el hemisferio Occidental da a venezuela como el segundo país más violento, con 57,6 homicidios por cada 100.000 habitantes. El tenebroso y corrupto régimen de Maduro se anota otra "victoria" internacional. 
 In the Western Hemisphere, Canada, which recorded just 644 homicides in 2012, had a homicide rate of 1.8 per 100,000. Costa Rica, at 8.5, with 407 homicides, and Cuba, with a rate of 5.0 and 561 homicides, were also at the low end of the scale in the Western Hemisphere.
Honduras had the hemisphere’s highest rate –103.9 homicides per 100,000 population, or 8,248 deaths –followed by Venezuela, at 57.6 per 100,000, or 17,259; Jamaica, at 45.1 and 1,250 deaths, and Belize at 44.7 with 144 homicides..

3 comentarios:

  1. Como para llorar! Que gobierno mas irresponsible y que poco le importa el pais.

  2. These numbers base on Government reports and statistics. This means Venezuela probably has much higher murder rates than those officially published.

  3. este regimen maldito promociona la delincuencia y la fomenta al permitir que los delincuentes operen sin una traza de castigo y con toda la impunidad posible.
