viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

Money wasted in remembering a traitor/Dinero malgastado en recordar a un traidor

En los Estados Unidos el régimen de Nicolás Maduro está gastando millones de dolares en recordar la fecha de la muerte del traidor que se llamó Hugo Chávez Frías. Mientras asesinan a niños y adolescentes en nuestra patria, gastan dinero en hacerle propaganda a quien traicionó la democracia venezolana y arruinó al país.  El afiche de Chávez con Guevara, dos carniceros malditos, lo dice todo. Ojalá que en cada sitio de estos haya Venezolanos dignos que le griten a los mercenarios y corruptos chavistas lo que se merecen. Yo estaré en Washington para decirles lo despreciables que son.
In the U.S. the Maduro regime will be spending millions in remembering the death of the traitor Hugo Chavez. While they murder children and teenagers in Venezuela they spend money in propaganda for the man who was a traitor to his country and ruined the country. I hope that in everyone of these places there will be dignified Venezuelans who will shout to the corrupt chavistas what they deserve to hear. The poster of Chavez with Guevara, the two butchers, says it all. I will be in Washington to let them know what despicable they are.

Alliance for Global Justice

Venezuela National Day of Action Activities by City

March 5 is the second anniversary of the passing of Venezuela’s President Hugo Chávez, who transformed Venezuela through his courageous struggle to help Venezuelans become protagonists of their destiny.  The Venezuela Strategy Group, a coalition of solidarity organizations and individuals has called for actions on March 5 to commemorate Chavez’ legacy and to build opposition to US efforts to replace the democratically elected government of President Nicolas Maduro through violence.
The US government is working to destabilize Venezuela’s democratically elected government, using US tax-payer dollars to finance anti-government organizations in Venezuela, encouraging coup attempts and even terrorist attacks on their population. Now, the US is applying sanctions against Venezuela to punish the government and people for defending their sovereignty. It is up to us, the people of the United States, to demand that the US government stop the attacks and destabilization of Venezuela, respect international law and Venezuela's right to self-determination.
If you live in any of the cities which have announced activities on or around March 5, please turn out to remember the advances Venezuelans won through the Bolivarian Revolution led by President Chavez, and to demand of the US government – Hands Off Venezuela!
Boston, MA
March 5, 6:30pm
Encuentro5, 6:30pm
9A Hamilton Place
To commemorate the passing of the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, President Hugo Chavez, we're asking people to come and share some of their thoughts and experiences in remembrance. Free and open to the public
Chicago, Ill.
March 5, 4:30 p.m.
Rally - Federal Plaza
March 6, 6-8:30pm
Remembering Chavez’ Legacy
Trinity Episcopal Church
125 E 26th St, Chicago, Illinois 60616
Hammond, IN – Purdue University
March 4, 12:30pm
Chamber Hall, 3rd Fl. SULB
Speaker, Jesus Rodriguez, Consul General, Chicago Venezuela Consulate
Larkspur, CA – Redwoods Church
March 5, 7:30 pm
2nd Anniversary of Death of President Chavez
Video of Miguel Tinker Salas speaking on US – Latin American Relations in the 21st Century
Discussion led by Martin Sanchez on developments in Venezuela
Los Angeles, CA
Friday, March 6, 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Immanuel Presbyterian Church (3300 Wilshire Boulevard)
Forum in defense of the Bolivarian Revolution
New York City, NY
Thursday, March 5
5th Avenue between 33rd and 34th Street
4:00 p.m.
March: "Human Rights Watch, Weapon of the U.S. State Department"
San Francisco, CA
Thursday, March 5
24th and Mission St.
5:00 p.m.
Rally in Solidarity with Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution
Tucson, AZ
March 5,  7pm
Global Justice Center
225 E 26th St.
Remembering Hugo Chavez; Resisting US Intervention. Speakers on Chavez’ legacy and current US efforts at “regime change.”
Washington, DC
March 5, 6:30pm
Bolivarian Hall, 2445 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Remembering our Friend and Compañero, Hugo Chavez
March 7, 7-10pm
St. Stephen’s Church, 1525 Newton Street, NW DC
The Latin American and Caribbean Solidarity Committee/Comité de Solidaridad Latinoamericano y Caribeño
Invites the Community to a Celebration of The Life and Legacy of Hugo Chavez. Join us for an Evening of Music, Poetry, and Solidarity.

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