domingo, 9 de julio de 2017

CARICOM countries decide to ignore the Venezuelan tragedy

The 15 member countries of CARICOM, the Caribbean Community have officially decided to look the other way regarding the Venezuelan tragedy. While over one hundred Venezuelan youth have been killed by the repressive forces of the narco-regime, while thousands have been wounded and many are prisoners subject to psychological or physical torture, the member countries of CARICOM have declared their determination not to “interfere” in the internal affairs of a “sovereign” state. While there is ample evidence that the regime has systematically violated the constitution of the country, the vice-president is a terrorist, the minister of the interior a drug trafficker and corruption is rampant in the country’s public administration, the members of CARICOM have “virtuously” decided not to denounce the crimes of this regimen claiming that this would represent an “interference”. I have no doubt that the immoral cowards who lead CARICOM would walk by a woman being assassinated by a drunk husband because that would interfere in a domestic quarrel.
Members of CARICOM have no hesitated to receive huge amounts of subsidized or even free oil from the narco-regime in exchange for their political loyalty. The name for this perverse symbiosis is prostitution, an exchange of favors for money. Today, confronted with the need to act according to the principles that regulate the charter of the OAS these mercenaries have decided to wash their hands off the Venezuelan tragedy. But they will not be able to wash the blood from their hands.
This dishonorable action by CARICOM will not be forgotten by Venezuelan democracy. As soon as the current narco-regime is gone from power the new democratic governments of Venezuela should cut all oil deliveries to the members of CARICOM that have been bribed by the narco-regime for some years and should refrain from giving any further assistance to the mercenaries.
Which countries are members of CARICOM? :  Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, BarbadosBelizeDominicaGrenadaGuyanaHaitiJamaicaMontserratSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSuriname, and Trinidad and Tobago. Not all of these countries have been mercenaries and have received the bribes of the Venezuelan narco-regime. How will they act in the OAS?  Obviously they cannot belong to both organizations any longer.
What CARICOM has decided is not diplomacy, is an unprincipled action that will be repudiated by all honest and decent members of the regional community. Those selfish cowards have closed their eyes to the fact that Venezuela is not a sovereign state but one in which the institutions have been co-opted by a gang of armed criminals under the tutelage of Castro’s Cuba.

7 comentarios:

  1. So when we thought that Almagro was about to get a resolution passed, The Caricom could, as a block vote (abstain)? Let's see if that happens.

    The OAS needs to figure out how to be effective, and that starts by addressing the issue of what constitutes a vote. It is very unjust to the US and Canadian citizens, which by the way, pay more than 70% of the bill, but only get the same number of votes as Dominica and Grenada ( to name a few ). If Trump payed any attention to our backyard, he would promote drastically reducing the OAS financing, unless everybody shoulders the burden. Sadly, that would make sense. Let's see if other financing from the US to Caricom is affected (as Rubio hinted it should).

    We will forever remember the old saying: "A friend in need, is a friend indeed"

  2. Faltó República Dominicana, gobernada por los narco-hampones Fernández y Danilo Medina. No olvidar las diligencias a favor de chávez y maduro de esos dos adulantes.

  3. Estimado Coronel los países del CARICOM no son cobardes egoístas, los que son es unos vividores que aprovechan las circunstancia. Venezuela envía semanalmente equipos de médicos venezolanos a dominica y Barbados para operaciones oftalmológica. Y a los demás petroleo.
    Mientras que en Venezuela a media tenemos esos servicios médicos. Que podemos esperar.

  4. El peso especifico de estos paisitos es minimo. Yo no se como unos paisitos con 12 personas, 3 chivos y 20 gallinas, tienen el mismo voto que Argentina, Brasil, Canada, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, USA. Eso tiene que cambiar, no puede ser que una minoria que representa unos 17 millones de habitantes este por encima de una representacion de unos 800 millones de habitantes (los que votaron por la resolucion). Esa matematica es bien chimba y se parece a la del CNE, donde un voto chavista lo valen por 10.
    Vi un programa de 60 minutes, en donde varias de estas islas venden pasaportes por 100 mil dolares y pasaportes diplomaticos por 500 mil dolares al que los pague. Los chavistas enchufados tienen esa plata. Adivinen a donde van a ir a buscar pasaportes "dejame tranquilo"........a esas islas de lideres corruptos y facil de sobornar.

    Llevatelo Willie

  5. Lo aue faltaba. Documento de "notables" en el cual np faltan el bueno de Eduardo Fernandez, Old Parr Hernandez, Vladimir guabina Villegas, el doctorisimo Pino Iturrieta (remember la bienvenida a Fidel en 1989?), la dimpatica Colette Capriles, etc etc etc
    Ni una nencion a los alrededorde 100 muertos, muchos de ellos casi niños. Puente de plata sin justicia?

  6. Colette Capriles es uno de los peores seres humanos que he conocido en mi vida. Y el Pino Iturrieta es otro dinosaurio adulón del primero que apoyó a Chávez Frías, el Señorito Henrique Otero. Y no voy a hablar de Napoleòn Bravo ni de la mujer que hasta serenatas le llevaban al hijo de puta ese (Chávez). Allí tienes Caldera, allí tienes Ochoa Antich, sobre todo tú miserable vendido traidor, donde llevaron a Venezuela por su odio por Carlos Andrés. Váyanse todos al carajo, miserables. Algún día sacaremos a los cubanos de Venezuela. Está escrito.

  7. ¿Está todo bien, Gustavo?. Desde el 9 no leemos nuevos análisis. Saludos
