martes, 26 de junio de 2018

My letter to OPEC asking for the expulsion of Venezuela as a member country

I sent a letter to Mr. Mohammad Sanuso Barkindo, Secretary general of OPEC, which can be read below. In this letter I ask OPEC to expel Venezuela from the organization for failing to comply with its production quota and for running its petroleum industry with a group of incompetent and corrupt managers. This expulsion should hold while the current regime continues mismanaging the petroleum industry of my native country. It is not easy to contact OPEC and the only way I found was via a form which severely limita the extent of the communication. However, I think is clear enough:

                                                                                McLean, June 2018
Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo
Secretary General
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC

Dear Mr. Barkindo:
I am a Venezuelan geologist, member of the founding Board of Petroleos de Venezuela. I write to you to denounce the tragic situation of the Venezuelan petroleum industry. As a former petroleum Geologist and executive of the Venezuelan petroleum industry and a citizen of the country I want to express my deep shame for the manner this industry is being run. The country has not been able to fulfill its quota requirements for a long time now and merits expulsion, since such failure is due to incompetence and criminal activity in the management of the oil corporation. After a long and distinguished membership in OPEC Venezuela now has now become a source of discredit to the organization and this should not go unpunished.
Sincerely yours,
Gustavo Coronel

3 comentarios:

  1. recta dura por el pecho............strike tres.

    la roja rojita ponchada por el lanzador Coronel.

  2. Y creo que EE.UU. puede entrar si lo solicitase!!

  3. Corto y sin anestesia! Bien Gustavo.
