jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2020

Las últimas noticias sobre las elecciones de USA, de la prensa inglesa


Es lo más completo que he encontrado en Internet sobre el proceso, ya que la prensa de USA prefiere esperar el conteo final de los votos. Contiene fuentes de ambos lados del debate. 

Donald Trump’s attacks on the credibility of Joe Biden’s election win through meritless lawsuits could undermine Americans’ trust in voting and could pose an immediate threat to the security and safety of the country, experts have warned.

Trump’s campaign has unleashed a stream of lawsuits in states key to Biden’s electoral college win, none of which are expected to affect the outcome of the election.

The US attorney general, William Barrhas authorized the Department of Justice to investigate voting irregularities, in a highly unorthodox move, and Republican state representatives in Pennsylvania are calling for an audit of the election, though they have no evidence of fraud.

University of Southern California (USC) law professor Franita Tolson said she was concerned that these actions, which would not change the trajectory of the election, were meant to call into question the legitimacy of the result.

“What does that do to our democracy as we play out this process? What does it do to the belief in the system when 70 million people think the election was stolen,” Tolson said, referring to the popular vote total for Trump. “To me that’s the danger of this narrative, that’s the danger of this litigation.”

Pelosi to Republicans: 'Stop the circus' and start working on coronavirus relief

Across the street from the British embassy, with its red telephone box and Winston Churchill statue, in Washington DC is the residence of the US-vice president. It has its own basketball court, on which Mike Pence reportedly installed a logo from the 1986 film Hoosiers starring Gene Hackman about small town Indiana sports.

Fortunately, the Washington Post noted a couple of years ago, the logo is removable.

Pence, a former governor of Indiana, and his wife, Karen, will be packing their bags and moving out of the residence in January to make way for America’s first female vice-president, Senator Kamala Harris of California, and her husband Doug Emhoff.

Said to have nurtured ambitions for the presidency since he was 16, Pence must now decide what to do with the rest of his life. Among the 61-year-old’s options: a return to his roots in conservative talk radio as a way to remain relevant in his party.

“I think he would want to stay involved in Republican politics and probably in a more conventional way than the president,” said Michael D’Antonio, co-author of The Shadow President: The Truth About Mike Pence. “So he could be a broadcaster, and there’ll be lots of opportunity for that, but he would be nicer than Trump.

“When he was on the radio in Indiana, he called himself ‘Rush Limbaugh on decaf’. There is a lot of potential in that identity for him.”

US reports 709,000 new unemployment claims last week

Fauci says lockdown should not be necessary because of vaccines: 'Help is really on the way'

Biden pushes forward with picking team as Trump refuses to concede

1 comentario:

  1. Great visual on Venezuela per capita GDP if you have not already seen: https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/visualizing-the-rise-and-dramatic-collapse-of-democratic-socialism-in-venezuela/
