*** PDVSA’s oil production is down but milk imports are up.
PDVSA’s oil production has declined by some 800,000 barrels per day during the last seven years and it will inevitably keep declining, as investments are significantly below requirements. This means that oil exports, the economic lifeline of Venezuela, have also been declining, not only because production is down but also because domestic consumption is sharply up. Meanwhile PDVSA, led by the future liberator of Bolivia, Rafael Ramirez, has opened a new division called PDVAL, PDVSA Alimentos, to import food (faster than producing it). The opening of this new division has been a major event in the State of Zulia. It is born, says Ramirez, “to solve the problems of supply of basic foods, in answer to the existing situation of hoarding, contraband and detour of products” in the country”. PDVSA is engaged, Ramirez says, in a struggle to prevent the food from going to Colombia (although for many years the food has been coming from Colombia!). PDVAL is working together with the National Guard and has the full cooperation of the workers of the oil company, all dressed in red.
PDVSA is importing food through Bariven, an affiliate company. Bariven is fully and enthusiastically engaged in emergency imports of milk, tuna in cans, soy oil, margarine, tomato paste and other products. Their offices in the U.S., Argentina and other countries place ads in the newspapers and send letters to food exporters to ask for their offers of chicken, beef, eggs and other foodstuffs. “This is not a temporary program” says Ramirez, who is probably being trained at MAKRO, “we will continue distributing food through our network of commissary stores”.
Ramirez approaches the task with revolutionary zeal: “We will import 125,000 tons of food and will continue importing until we defeat the hoarding and the lack of supply”.
In these days Venezuela is a strange country all right. New police equipment is donated to Bolivia while our crime rate is the highest in the hemisphere. Houses are built in Cuba while Venezuelans have no homes of their own. New refineries are financed or promised for 14 countries around the world while Amuay and Cardon have fires and accidents every other month and gasoline shortages flare up in different places of the country. Top food importer Hugo Chavez claims that the FARC are a civilized political group and that the government of Alvaro Uribe wants war. PDVSA is planning to open a furniture division and has already become the biggest food distributor in the country.
Ii seems like PDVSA geologists will not be talking anymore about the Cretaceous and the Oca Fault but about the price of eggs and how many tons of milk are coming in. Production Engineers will not bother so much about pressures and temperatures and drilling muds but about margarine or about who is the real owner of ProArepa. I am happy that my geological career is over and I do not have to start talking about cassava and corn as part of my job.
PDVSA, Platanos de Venezuela S.A.? Not for me.
PDVSA’s oil production has declined by some 800,000 barrels per day during the last seven years and it will inevitably keep declining, as investments are significantly below requirements. This means that oil exports, the economic lifeline of Venezuela, have also been declining, not only because production is down but also because domestic consumption is sharply up. Meanwhile PDVSA, led by the future liberator of Bolivia, Rafael Ramirez, has opened a new division called PDVAL, PDVSA Alimentos, to import food (faster than producing it). The opening of this new division has been a major event in the State of Zulia. It is born, says Ramirez, “to solve the problems of supply of basic foods, in answer to the existing situation of hoarding, contraband and detour of products” in the country”. PDVSA is engaged, Ramirez says, in a struggle to prevent the food from going to Colombia (although for many years the food has been coming from Colombia!). PDVAL is working together with the National Guard and has the full cooperation of the workers of the oil company, all dressed in red.
PDVSA is importing food through Bariven, an affiliate company. Bariven is fully and enthusiastically engaged in emergency imports of milk, tuna in cans, soy oil, margarine, tomato paste and other products. Their offices in the U.S., Argentina and other countries place ads in the newspapers and send letters to food exporters to ask for their offers of chicken, beef, eggs and other foodstuffs. “This is not a temporary program” says Ramirez, who is probably being trained at MAKRO, “we will continue distributing food through our network of commissary stores”.
Ramirez approaches the task with revolutionary zeal: “We will import 125,000 tons of food and will continue importing until we defeat the hoarding and the lack of supply”.
In these days Venezuela is a strange country all right. New police equipment is donated to Bolivia while our crime rate is the highest in the hemisphere. Houses are built in Cuba while Venezuelans have no homes of their own. New refineries are financed or promised for 14 countries around the world while Amuay and Cardon have fires and accidents every other month and gasoline shortages flare up in different places of the country. Top food importer Hugo Chavez claims that the FARC are a civilized political group and that the government of Alvaro Uribe wants war. PDVSA is planning to open a furniture division and has already become the biggest food distributor in the country.
Ii seems like PDVSA geologists will not be talking anymore about the Cretaceous and the Oca Fault but about the price of eggs and how many tons of milk are coming in. Production Engineers will not bother so much about pressures and temperatures and drilling muds but about margarine or about who is the real owner of ProArepa. I am happy that my geological career is over and I do not have to start talking about cassava and corn as part of my job.
PDVSA, Platanos de Venezuela S.A.? Not for me.
¿CEL. MIERDA ROJA, un vecino paranoico?
por Adriana Vandoni
O pedido para que a comunidade internacional retire as Farc da lista de terroristas, feito pelo arremedo de ditador Hugo Chávez, poderia ser entendido como uma ameaça se o autor do pedido tivesse respeitabilidade além das fronteiras de Cuba. Mas não tem. É visto como um histérico por poder, que para obtê-lo faz qualquer coisa, até se transformar em cúmplice de terroristas e narcotraficantes.
O plano de Hugo Chávez quando "intermediou" a libertação de dois reféns, era conquistar a opinião pública internacional com uma imagem humanista. A constatação de que ele fornece armamento às Farc e de que permite que o tráfico use o território venezuelano como passagem para distribuição de drogas pro mundo, e essa última seqüência de ataques verbais aos Estados Unidos e ao presidente da Colômbia, Álvaro Uribe, leva-nos a constatação de que ele está tentando aumentar o grau do conflito, superdimensionando a questão.
(22.01 - 17h48)"
Fonte: www.diegocasagrande.com.br
So, according to Ramirez's logic --or lack thereof-- massive imports are going to solve the problem of shortages? What about creating incentive for Venezuelans to produce? What about investing some of the $70+ million Chavez has shamelessly given to the US in his own country? Maybe someone like me, who has no formal economic training, should move to Caracas so I can be the Minister of Finance; if Maduro can be a poor bus driver and make it to the upper echelons within this sad excuse for a government, I should have a good shot with the Gorila rojo rojito at the helm...
ResponderEliminarI am baffled more daily by the utter incompetence and increasingly Orwellian state of this government.
Venezuelano assume culpa em escândalo com mala na Argentina
MIAMI - Um venezuelano declarou-se culpado na sexta-feira de ter agido como um agente estrangeiro clandestino em operação para tentar entrar na Argentina com uma mala com 800.000 dólares para financiar a campanha política do partido do governo.
Moisés Maionica, que mora em Miami, foi acusado em dezembro com outras quatro pessoas implicadas no caso --que deflagrou acusações de corrupção na Argentina e tensões diplomáticas entre Washington, Caracas e Buenos Aires.
Autoridades norte-americanas disseram que os cinco homens representavam o governo do presidente venezuelano Hugo Chávez, um crítico ferrenho dos Estados Unidos, e destacaram perante a Justiça que um deles havia informado que o dinheiro seria para a campanha de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, a ex-primeira-dama que venceu as eleições presidenciais da Argentina em outubro.
Em 7 de janeiro, Maionica se declarou inocente das acusações das autoridades dos EUA e a contestação desta sexta-feira representou uma reviravolta em sua posição.
(Por Tom Brown)