domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2008


Capriles Radonsky, put in prison by Chavez, is leading the governor's race in the State of Miranda.

It is still very early, 11:30 a.m., Venezuelan time, but exit polls conducted in several places show tendencies mostly favorable to the opposition candidates. In three of the most important states: Miranda, Zulia and Carabobo, the candidates for governor of the opposition, Capriles, Pérez and Salas are leading. However, the Carabobo lead of Salas over the Chavez candidate Silva is rather slim. In Guarico and Bolivar the opposition candidates for governor, Manuitt (daughter of Chavez's former ally Eduardo Manuitt) and Andres Velazquez show rather clear leads over Chavez's candidates. In Anzoategui, Tarek William Saab, the Chavez governor, is leading by ample margin. In the State of barinas, Chavez's home state, his brother Adan is running second to the opposition candidate.
In the race for mayors, the opposition candidates in Chacao in Libertador are also in the lead.

You can listen in to Union Radio through the following link (Spanish):

4 comentarios:

  1. el disfras este no es mas que descarado con esa camisa que dice justicia si existiera la justicia el no estaria fde gobernador por todos los delitos a la patria que cometio ese maldito golpista el 11 y el 12 de abril violo la costitucion publicamente y no le hicieron nada preso deberia estar es culpa de chavez que el este de gobernador por que deberia estar preso el maricon pitiyanqui ese no se preocupen que la historia les pasara factura

  2. SSSSSHHHHH que le pongan un bozal por favorrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. que le pongan un bosal a la perra de tu mama por que tu eres un perro no?????????????????' y sucio sin ofender a la raza canina claro ips viva chavez

  4. ssssssssshhhhsssss....sssssssssshhhh Bobolución quieto oooohhhh...
