sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2009

The Latin American political brothel collapsing under Chavez's management.

Mirta Maidana Lugo is a niece of Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo. She says that the president, his uncle, is the father of a 19 year-old girl who just got married in Asuncion. She adds: “We all knew this in the family, that Fatima was uncle Nono’s daughter. If I am wrong I am prepared to be sent to prison”, she asserted.
Uncle Nono is the family nickname of Bishop Fernando Lugo, the busy president who currently is being sued for paternity by two Paraguayan ladies, one who has a 6-year old boy and another who has a 2-year old boy. He has already admitted to the paternity of the 2-year old and has been reluctant to accept a DNA test for the other.
In Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega was accused a couple of years ago by his daughter-in-law, Zoila America Narvaez Murillo, of having raped her systematically for many years, while she grew up in his home. She is the daughter of the politically ambitious Rosario Morillo, Ortega’s wife and grey eminence behind his presidency. The rapes took place with the approval of the mother, who apparently felt this was a good career move.
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa’s anti- American stance is said to be partly due to his father being imprisoned in the U.S. for some years, for being a “mule”, a drug carrier. His brother, Fabricio, is accusing him of corruption although Fabricio himself has turned his fraternal relation with the president into a $100 million contracting business with the government.
In Argentina, the Kirchners are widely charged with stealing millions in public funds to enrich themselves and Mrs. Kirchner has been identified in a Miami trial as the beneficiary of millions of dollars in illegal contributions to her campaign by Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez.
In Venezuela Hugo Chavez’s political authoritarian regime is probably the most corrupt the country has ever witnessed. At this moment a financial scandal has erupted in Caracas, involving a government favorite, a Mr. Ricardo Fernandez, for conducting a Ponzi-like scheme to buy banks with the help of a government mafia led by Chavez brother, Adan. In parallel, President Chavez has been conducting a policy of cash and oil handouts to Cuba and other small countries in the Caribbean and Central America in order to try to buy political loyalties. No less than $20 billion have been handed out to these countries.
In Bolivia Evo Morales has come to the presidency largely due to his role as a promoter of coca crops, far in excess from what the population requires for use as a stimulant. Bolivia now produces more than three times the coca consumed by the local population. Mexican and Colombian drug traffickers, working through Venezuela to feed international cocaine demand, manage the rest.
In Honduras former President Zelaya has been ousted after a Chavez’s inspired attempt at violating the laws of the country to re-elect himself. More than that, Honduras had become during his presidency, an increasingly important place for drug shipments from Chavez’s Venezuela.
Even in Colombia, where President Uribe has had a very positive two presidential terms, a change in the constitution is in the works to allow him to be re-elected for a third time, under the pretense that the nation is in imminent danger from the extreme left and Mr. Uribe is the only one who can save the country from this threat.
In the headquarters of the Organization of American States, in Washington, Secretary general Mr. Jose Miguel Insulza has been conducting efforts to bring the Cuban dictatorial regime of 50 years back into the organization and to harass the Honduras provisional government in order to force illegitimate President Zelaya back into power.
Only a few countries like Mexico, Peru, Chile, Panama and the Anglo-speaking Caribbean states remain reasonably accountable and transparent.
What is going on? What horrible virus has infected political leaders in Latin America? We could be dealing with the last remnants of the deeply rooted Latin American belief in a luminous and good political “left”, a belief supported by intellectuals giants (and many dwarves) such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Jorge Amado, Diego Rivera, Guayasamin, Pablo Neruda and Alejo Carpentier. These distinguished artists made millions of Latin Americans believe and/or feel that dictators such as Fidel Castro and sociopaths like Che Guevara were “good and necessary leaders”, that Stalin’s Soviet Union was “heroic” and that the State should take control of our lives. They felt that they could write their own moral code, different from the rest of us mortals, one in which incest, adultery, alcoholism, wife-swapping, hatred of the middle-class and plagiarism were acceptable.
The Latin American political brothel seems to be entering into a stage of melancholy decline. When someone as inept and ignorant as Hugo Chavez becomes the main champion of the Latin American “left”, we know the end must be near.

1 comentario:

  1. Excellent article. While nearly all who read this realize that President Lugo broke his priestly vows of celibacy when he had affairs with women and fathered children, not all may realize it. In more ways than one he is the Father of His Country.
