sábado, 28 de julio de 2012

The sordid diplomacy of the Chavez era

Former Venezuelan Ambassador to Kenya, Gerardo Carrillo Silva. His behavior led to death

In Panama the Venezuelan ambassador Jorge Duran Centeno was recently interviewed by “La Estrella”, a Panama City daily. He said that all of his countrymen living in Panama were liars, fugitives of justice and/or intent on violently overthrowing the Chavez government. This is what one would call an “extraordinary” ambassador.  

The Venezuelan Ambassador to Brazil, Maximilien Sanchez Arbelaiz, is a political apparatchik specializing in sabotage and destabilization in other countries. He was recently sent to Paraguay to try to stop the impeachment of Fernando Lugo by whatever means.

In 2006 the Venezuelan Ambassador to Paraguay, Jose Huerta Castillo, was expelled by the government for sexually harassing Martha Mancuello, a Paraguayan administrative officer of the embassy.

Before becoming vice president Elias Jaua was proposed to Argentina as ambassador but the Argentinian government refused to accept him. He was known as an agitator and Argentina already has too many of them.  

Venezuelan Ambassador to the OAS, Roy Chaderton, specializes in insulting the Secretary General and in giving long speeches delivered in a bombastic manner. When he starts to talk ambassadors suddenly feel the need to go to the restrooms.  

Venezuelan Ambassador to Italy, Isaias Rodriguez, is notorious for having falsified evidence and for producing fraudulent witnesses in the murder case of Fiscal Danilo Anderson when he was Attorney General. He is also infamous for producing intolerably corny poetry and defending ETA members while being Ambassador in Spain (retired at the insistence of the Spanish government).

Former Venezuelan Ambassador to the U.N. Francisco Arias Cardenas is a Chavez sycophant who briefly turned against him and called him an assassin and a paranoid in a TV video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjZ4sJ504H8 , although now he is, again, supporting him. In this video he even called the army to overthrow Chavez but now licks his boots.

Venezuelan Ambassador Jorge Valero became one of the most enthusiastic defenders of Muammar Al Qadaffi in the U.N.

Venezuelan Ambassador to Holland, Haifa El Aissami, is the sister of Venezuelan Minister of the Interior and terrorist-loving Tareck El Aissami. She was a judge who imposed a 30-year prison term to three police commissars for their actions during the 2002 march that overthrew Chavez for 48 hours. The real killers are free while these police officers are subjected to inhuman and unjust treatment in a Chavez’s prison. Mrs. El Aissami has been sued in Holland by embassy employees for mistreatment.

During the recent political crisis in Paraguay the Venezuelan Foreign Minister, former bus driver Nicolas Maduro, met with high officers of the Paraguayan Armed Forces to try to make them intervene in favor of Fernando Lugo, a clearly criminal act. As a result this man has been named persona non grata by the Paraguayan government.

The most recent, probably the worst criminal offense by the Chavez diplomats was the sexual harassment of three male employees of the Venezuelan embassy in Kenya by Ambassador Gerardo Carrillo Silva. This pervert was expelled from Kenya and replace less than a month ago by Olga Arelis Fonseca. This lady, a veteran diplomat, apparently tried to persuade the three employees to drop charges  against the previous ambassador and they refused. Mrs. Fonseca then dismissed them. Just a few hours ago Mrs. Fonseca was strangled in the embassy by person or persons unknown.

Fraud, intervention, extortion, bribes, sexual criminal acts, abuse of power, boorish behavior, now death are some of the ingredients of the sordid lives of Venezuelan diplomats in the Chavez era.

3 comentarios:

  1. In Panama the Venezuelan ambassador Jorge Duran Centeno was recently interviewed by “La Estrella”, a Panama City daily. He said that all of his countrymen living in Panama were liars, fugitives of justice and/or intent on violently overthrowing the Chavez government.

    Does the ambassador include himself in his description of Venezuelans living in Panama?

  2. Esos criminales no me representan. Los ponen porque son panas de fidelito pero no porque merezcan un puesto diplomatico.....Hacen quedar muy mal a Venezuela. Pero les queda poco tiempo. Vi una marcha de chavez en el valle y no tenia ni una cuadra, va palo abajo, menos mal.

  3. Ojalá, yo conozco a un embajador que era bien OLIGARCA y que incluso es descendiente de un marqués (del Toro) que jalaba parejo en la IV y ahora jala en la V y como si nada... estos carajos no tienen verguenza Gustavo.
