lunes, 3 de marzo de 2014

Ni lo uno ni lo otro sino todo lo contrario/ Neither the one nor the other, but the opposite

Not only our now deceased Venezuelan President Carlos Andres exhibited moments of brilliant intellectual fogginess such as the one illustrated by the quote above, but candidates for the U.S. presidency can do so as well. In fact, even excel our Carlos Andres.
Mrs. Hillary Clinton just said, talking about Venezuela:
“It’s a democracy. No one would argue that it isn’t…. But a democracy doesn’t just mean an election. A democracy means a free press. Protecting the rights of opponents. Protecting a free economy. Having an independent judiciary. So other than elections, there aren’t very many characteristics of a real democracy right now in Venezuela.”

So, is it or is it not Venezuela a democracy? If we were to depend on Mrs. Clinton’s opinion we would never find out. We must remember that she fell down some time ago and hit her head. Will she able to run and, even more threatening, will she win? 

3 comentarios:

  1. Seria injusto darle autoria a CAP de esta celebre frase de Cantinflas.
    Lo de Hillary es clasico de los politicos, ni chicha ni limonada, (hasta que le tocan sus intereses). No esperemos que otros politicos defiendan nuestros intereses.
    La verdad sea dicha, a USA le ha venido bien el desmadre de Venezuela. No solamente se le exporta mucho mas (como les gusta a los rojos rojitos todo lo del imperio!) , sino tambien ha recibido gran aporte, material y humano. La verdad sea dicha, voluntariamente, donde tambien muchos paisanos a la vez, han obtenido beneficios importantes. Relacion simbiotica? seguramente, especialmente si se le compara con la relacion de Cuba con Venezuela, un ejemplo de parasitismo disfrazado de asistencia.
    Los perjudicados, los Venezolanos, por la traicion de unos pocos.
    No es tarde para despertar.

  2. La frase es atribuída a mucha gente, incluídos Cantinflas, el Presidente Echeverría de México, Groucho Marx, CAP, etc.
    Que era de CAplo leí en:

  3. Even more dangerous and threatening would be that won another George W Bush or Paul Ryan or Rand Paul or much worse a pathetic but also funny Ted Cruz...that would really be a disaster!!!
