sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2014

U.S. government strategists are being severely tested

Terrorism in Pakistan is provoking the U.S. into action, ISIS in Iraq and Syria keep on the move, Putin in Ukraine continues teasing the west, North Korea (has nuclear weapons) is threatening terrorist attacks on U.S. movie theaters, Russian missiles are rumored to be in the way to Venezuela, is alignment with Cuba a genuine bilateral move or a Cuban feint within a feint within a feint?, turmoil in Palestine, war in Afghanistan.
 Are these events now taking place in the global scene totally unrelated, or are they the product of a common strategic move against the U.S.?  Is there a single chess player behind all these moves?

Even the paranoid are right once in a while. 

1 comentario:

  1. Don Gustavo, perdoneme que me salga del tema pero es que supongo que habra leido la noticia de hoy en la prensa Estadounidense... ahora resulta que despues de regalarle Venezuela unos 100 mil barriles diarios a Cuba jejeje Venezuela no le dara mas petroleo "gratuito" a Cuba porque necesita "cobrarlo": "Venezuela needs all the money it can get right now and will likely shift a lot of the oil that its exports to Cuba and Petrocaribe to the U.S.," Carlos Rossi, president of the Caracas-based Energy Nomics and formerly an economist with the Venezuelan Hydrocarbons Association, said by telephone.http://www.philly.com/philly/business/20141220_U_S_-Cuba_deal_shows_Venezuelan_oil_giveaway_days_are_numbered.html

    A mi me huele que ahora los "chavistas" andan bien arrechos porque USA y Cuba seran amigos.
    No sera que ahora se toma esta decision tras "El Fin del Bloqueo" despues de medio siglo de ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas entre EEUU y Cuba???

    Aqui se aplica sabiamente el dicho: "Quien rie de ultimo, rie mejor"... Cuba debe de estar cagandose de risa.
