sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2015

Venezuelan embassy in Nicaragua uses our money to attack Leopoldo Lopez

 This human trash is the venezuelan ambassador to Nicaragua. A typical ball puller

The link above will take you to a publication of the Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Relations, specifically from the Venezuelan Embassy in Nicaragua, where the Ambassador is a pooir imitation of a human being  called Javier Arrúe. I had never seen so much concentrated social and racial hatred directed towards one Venezuelan, Leopoldo Lopez,  and – by extension -  to the thousands like him, middle-class Venezuelans, well educated, modern in outlook and lovers of democracy.
This publication by the Venezuelan ambassador in Nicaragua is a revolting example of how low can diplomats sink when they dedicate their efforts and their country’s resources to attacking political dissidents. These gangsters have already published 176 issues of this trash, with the money of decent Venezuelans.
Such a publication, which I am sending to the OAS and to all Washington based think tanks which deal with Latin American politics, would suffice to indict the Venezuelan government as a  rogue regime  in need of intervention, be it diplomatic, economic, political or military (in the form of an international, U.N. force).
I have no doubt that the Venezuelan regime has long ago transgressed all boundaries of decency and civilized behavior.

In spite of my family name I am not a man of weapons. I have never shot a gun since I was 11, when I killed an innocent crane in the ponds of Valencia, where I was on vacation. I swore never to do that again.  But, seeing what I am seeing today in Venezuela, I say that if I was only 30 years younger I would enroll in an army of Venezuelan democrats to invade the country to help rid it of this horror. This time we should make sure that it would not be another Bay of Pigs.

On second thought, I would go tomorrow, if someone asked me.  This is an intolerable situation.  I cannot stand being humiliated by illiterates. Venezuelans should stand up and fight.   

5 comentarios:

  1. ...

    Repito que recuperar a Venezuela de los Chavistas es como tomar control de China en donde la traicion de un militar es el paredón o sea pena capital y muerte por fusilamiento...!

    Si se buscare alguna forma de hacer lo que los Chavistas hicieron para llegar al poder, solo ellos lo han logrado...! Y NO FUE POSIBLE SIN LA LIBERTAD POLÍTICA DE CHÁVEZ Y TOMA DEL PODER EN ELECCIONES de donde no hubo forma de retorno a la Democracia conocida...!

    Si alguien cree que un ejército invasor lograría tomar el poder, esto solo occurre con un problema grave de guerra civil...! Las probabilidades que esto occurra en Venezuela, es muy bajo...!

    No conozco otros ineptos mas grandes que los Venezolanos de la 4ta República...! A menos que sean de el Medio Oriente o Africa...!


  2. ...

    E ineptos reciben lo que se buscaron, y el poder internacional funciona en base a quien es menos inepto...!



  3. ...



    I think the increasingly vitriolic nature of the Maduro regime's attacks on Leopoldo Lopez suggests they are confronting their worst nightmare--an honest man of principle with the best interests of the Venezuelan people in his heart who is becoming cherished by more Venezuelans with each passing day that he sacrifices on their behalf.

    The regime cannot justify itself to the people any longer.  All they have left is poison.  And there is only so much of that to go around.


  5. ...

    It is true Jacob Sulzbach...!!!

    The Venezuelan opposition thinks that going to jail for Politics is the way...! Only because it worked out of the blue for Chavez...!

    They do not realize how lost their political efforts are...! And they are living there...!

