miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

Is the Chavez government providing passports to terrorists?/ Está el gobierno de Chávez dando pasaportes a terroristas?

Presence of Undocumented Africans and Asians Worries Panamanian Officials

In Panama Guide, a panamanian publication (see link above) there is a story by Don Winner about a flow of illegal African and Asian immigrants from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, India and other countries into Panama, via Colombia. Such a flow has panamanian authorities worried. The editor of the publication adds a comment at the end of the article that reads as follows:
Editor's Comment: There's one important angle this story fails to mention. A few months ago a group of people who were supposedly poor Somali farmers were arrested in the Darien. They had apparently come from Africa across the Atlantic and arrived in Venezuela, then moved over sea and land to Colombia and Panama where they were apprehended. Each of them had a brand new Venezuelan passport and about $5,000 dollars in cash. An official from the US embassy told me they suspect these people were actually Islamic fundamentalists and terrorists who were trying to eventually infiltrate the United States through the Southern border with Mexico. The capture of these dudes was significant because it might end up being a "smoking gun" case of Hugo Chavez working together with terrorists, to help them with documents and ease of passage. Sure, this is an immigration issue for Panama, but there are much larger implications for the United States. People from Afghanistan and Pakistan in the jungles of the Darien in Panama on their way to the US? Not good...
My comment: The use of Venezuelan documents by terrorists trying to infiltrate into the U.S. was mentioned some time ago already in a hearing at the U.S. Congress that I attended. If this was true it would document the link of the Hugo Chavez regime with international terrorism. Let us keep an eye on this.

Resumen en español de esta noticia.

Inmigración Ilegal preocupa al gobierno de Panamá.
En la publicación Panama Guide, (ver link arriba), hay un escrito de Don Winner sobre un flujo ilegal de inmigrantes de países como India, Nepal, Pakistán y Bangladesh, via Colombia, que preocupa a las autoridades de Panamá. Al final de este artículo el editor hace un comentario en el cual menciona que un miembro de la Embajada de USA [presumimos que en Panamá] le informó al editor que, hace algun tiempo, un grupo de Somalíes fue capturado en Darién. Cada uno de ellos tenía un pasaporte venezolano y $5000 en efectivo. Según la información eran fundamentalistas islámicos, terroristas, tratando de entrar a los Estados Unidos a través de la frontera con Méjico. La captura de estos sujetos podría probar la conexión entre el terrorismo internacional y el gobierno de Hugo Chávez.
Mi comentario: El uso de documentos venezolanos por terroristas tratando de entrar a los estados Unidos fue mencionado hace algun tiempo en una reunión del Congreso de los Estados Unidos a la cual yo asistí.

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