El intento de
lavado de manos y el peloteo de PDVSA a PDV Marina a ASTIVENCA terminó, según dice la prensa internacional, con el
reconocimiento extra judicial, por parte de PDV Marina de que debían pagar los
$60 millones a CH Offshore.
Para quienes estamos familiarizados con los
mecanismos internos de PDVSA resultaba ridículo el argumento de PDVSA de que PDV Marina era una empresa filial autónoma
de la casa matriz. Sobre todo, porque en
esos años de la contratación en pugna el presidente de PDV Marina era Asdrúbal
Chávez, quien era, simultamneamente, Vicepresidente de PDVSA y, para rematar,
viceministro de Energía y Petróleo. Es decir, cuando Asdrúbal se estaba bañando
era como si estuviera sesionando bajo la ducha la alta gerencia de PDV Marina, PDVSA y el Ministerio.
Ná guará, como dicen en Yaritagua.
Estas son las noticias aparecidas hoy en la prensa
From Offshore EnergyToday.com
CH Offshore settles dispute with PDV Marina
Singapore’s CH Offshore has resolved a vessel dispute with
Venezuela’s PDV Marina, a subsidiary of the country’s national oil company
According to CH Offshore, the claim relating to outstanding
charter hire in respect of the charters of the “Amethyst” and the “Turquoise”
AHTS vessels has been settled, with PDV Marina paying $60 million to CH
The AHTS vessels had been used to support offshore operations of
the Venezuelan national oil company PDVSA since January 2008, through a
four-year charter deal between CH Offshore and PDV Marina. The charter was
later sublet to Astillerors De Venezuela (Astivenca).
The vessels were returned to CH Offshore in January 2013.
In October 2013, CH Offshore started legal proceedings
in London against PDV Marina S.A. and Astilleros De Venezuela C.A. (Astivenca)
for a claim relating to unpaid vessel fees amounting
to approximately $56 million.
As a security for its claim the Company arrested vessels
belonging to PDV Marina, after which PDV Marina made payment of $70
million into court as security for CH Offshore’s claim including
interest and costs. After that, CH Offshore released PDV
Marina’s vessels.
In a statement issued today, CH Offshore said: “The
Board of Directors of the Company is pleased to announce that the
Company and PDV Marina have reached a settlement in respect of the claim.
PDV Marina has made payment of $60 million to the Company in full and
final settlement of the Claim without admission of liability. The Company
has assigned to PDV Marina any claims it may have related to the Claim against
Offshore Energy Today Staff
Y en Splash 24/7:
Offshore reaches settlement with PDV Marina over chartering dispute
Singapore: Singapore-based
CH Offshore, part of Falcon Energy Group, has announced that it has
reached a settlement with PDV Marina, an affiliate company of Venezuela’s state
oil firm PDVSA.
CH Offshore started
legal actions against PDV Marina and Astilleros De Venezuela in 2013, in an
effort to recover unpaid chartering fee from two AHTS vessels the Amethyst and
the Turquoise.
CH Offshore said PDV
Marina has made payment of $60m to the company in full and final settlement of
the claim without admission of liability.
Limpiar el pozo séptico (PDVSA)
ResponderEliminarLos Venezolanos debemos empezar la planificación de esta limpieza.
Don Gustavo creo que se puede dar el arranque en este Blog.
Hola Luis:
ResponderEliminarEn este blog hay 5100 artículos, muchos de ellos exponiendo la corrupción galopante del chavismo. Aspiro a que sea utilizado por los jueces del futuro,
Que así sea, se tiene que terminar tanta impunidad en este país, castigar al que lo haga mal y así todos agarran buen camino, no mas caramelos.