lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016

Venezuela is leading a discussion on Non-Intervention in the U.N. Security Council

**** To be followed by a concert directed by Mr. Gustavo                Dudamel

Today the Security Council of the United Nations will be discussing the topic of “Respect for the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations as a key element for the maintenance of international peace and security.” Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Eloina Rodríguez Gómez, Council president this month, is likely to preside. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is expected to brief. 
Venezuela has presented a summary of the main theme since the country is very concerned about what her government calls the unfair international pressure on Venezuela.  The session will be followed by a concert directed by the eminent Venezuelan musician Gustavo Dudamel. After the concert, no doubt, there will be an elegant celebration where champagne will flow and where everybody will sing the praises of the Venezuelan progressive government.

This blog wishes to remind public opinion that, while this marvelous event of the United Nations takes place, real life in Venezuela will offer a violent contrast. Venezuelan representative to the United Nations, Mr. Ramirez, is being investigated by the U.S. for money laundering.  Venezuela ranks first as the most miserable country in the world, according to the Index published by Johns Hopkins Professor Steve Hanke, based on data supplied by the Economist Intelligence Unit, EIU. The country has the highest inflation rate in the world. Caracas is the most violent city in the planet. Basic food and medicines are most scarce in the country, to the point that a humanitarian crisis has been called by the National Assembly. Venezuelans are suffering from diseases that had been controlled years ago, before this government came into power. The country has the highest country risk in the world and is close to international default, being already in default with its numerous domestic creditors.
What the Venezuelan government defines as unfair international pressure is the stronger posture taken by the international community regarding the extreme abuse of power and the violations of human rights in Venezuela.
The government of Venezuela rejects what they define as interference in the internal affairs of other countries, something that the Venezuelan government has excelled at during the last 17 years, through the financing presidential campaigns of their ideological allies in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Argentina, Peru, Mexico and other countries and the promotion of political change in countries that do not coincide with their so called “Bolivarian revolution”.  
The call for non-intervention by the Venezuela government is highly hypocritical and is being used as a shield against actions from the international community to protect political prisoners and human rights  in Venezuela.
The participation in the celebrations by Mr. Gustavo Dudamel, I must say, is another evidence of his invertebrate moral posture.

And no, I am not saying this because I envy his ROLEX. My TIMEX is pretty good too.  

7 comentarios:

  1. Ese sujeto, cuyo talento no pongo en duda, es uno de los más despreciables entre los despreciables. De "vedette" en el Super-Bowl a hueleculo del régimen apuntalándolo con este concierto. ¿Qué se cree? Algún día pagarás tus cuentas, con intereses de mora

  2. Evidentemente, el talento de Dudamel esta restringido a lo musical nada mas. Creo que no es mas que un tonto con suerte... Solo tiene talento para la musica!!

  3. Venezuela is leading a discussion on Non-Intervention in the U.N. Security Council to be followed by a concert directed by Mr. Gustavo Dudamel.

    In honor of non-intervention, perhaps Dudamel could do some musical improvisation. I suggest he create Non-Intervening Improvisations on an Antonini Wilson Theme.

  4. O se esta con Dios o se esta con el Diablo....pero no con ambos.....lastima por Dudamel, quien ha podido rechazar y desplantar a maduro. Pero no le era conveniente. Lo que es no tener principios.

  5. Talento sin Etica.
    Quizás le venga bien un concierto en las salas de urgencia de Venezuela y en las colas para las compras.

  6. Talento sin Etica.
    Quizás le venga bien un concierto en las salas de urgencia de Venezuela y en las colas para las compras.

  7. Talento sin etica y muy sin verguenza el tipejo este.
    Los Venezolanos despertara'n pronto y se lo cobraran con creces.
