lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017

A new letter to FAO regarding Venezuela

February 20, 2017
Mr. Jose Graziano da Silva
Director General of FAO
 Dear Mr.  Graziano da Silva:
                          FAO in Venezuela is a shameful organization
Last year, in March and May, I sent your office two letters in which I denounced the cynical behavior of the FAO representative in Venezuela, Mr. Marcelo Resende, see: .
These letters received no reply. In this new letter I wish to reiterate my complaint, given that the cynical attitude of FAO in Venezuela remains unchanged. It is truly unacceptable to see how FAO keeps supporting and congratulating the performance of the Venezuelan political regime in the availability and distribution sectors, against all public evidence to the contrary. There is no need to be a food and nutritional expert to see that Venezuela has been for several years now under a severe crisis. In 2016 the former secretary general of the United Nations had this to say: “On the Venezuela situation, we have been closely following the situation there. I know that the economic situation is very difficult, and there have been many protests expressed by the people, not only by political parties. Again, all these issues should be very seriously listened to, the voices of the people, and these issues should be addressed very seriously as soon as possible, respecting the freedom of assembly and freedom of the media. This is my comment on this, see:

In spite of this and other abundant evidence to the contrary, in 2013 you presented a diploma to President Nicolas Maduro in your Rome headquarters “honoring achievements in combatting hunger”. Mr. Maduro gave his thanks in a speech, see:, in which he gave credit to former dictator, Hugo Chavez, for eliminating hunger in the country. This was received by your audience with much applause.

In June 2015 then Venezuelan Vice-president Arreaza (now replaced by a person fingered by the U.S. government as a drug kingpin) gave a speech in which he used official statistics that differ significantly from the findings of Venezuelan and non-Venezuelan independent observers such as CARITAS, see:
A December 2016 report by CARITAS reveals serious malnutrition in the four  Venezuelan states surveyed, see: . In this report they talk about up to 25% of children surveyed with acute malnutrition; malnutrition of medium severity in the states of Zulia and Vargas; family food intake of very low quality, lacking in critical nutrients; people eating garbage found in the  streets and other horror stories.
Meanwhile Mr. Marcelo Resende, your man in Caracas, has kept arguing in favor of the Venezuelan regime and refusing to accept the existence of a humanitarian crisis in the country. Last year he said, see: “Marcelo Resende, Venezuela's representative for the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), told a food supply meeting that the south American country "is not in a position for humanitarian aid.. Freddy Bernal from the Local Committees for Supply and Production (CLAP) shared Resende's perspective through his Twitter account that Venezuela doesn't need humanitarian aid, opposing what leaders of the local right-wing opposition said. In April 2015, the FAO acknowledged Venezuela's fight against hunger, the eradication of poverty and guaranteeing food.
These and other FAO claims of support for a regime that has converted Venezuelans into beggars for food, instituting a perverse system by which they distribute low quality food bags (a source of immense corruption) to the Venezuelan people in exchange for political loyalty, constitute an immoral posture which has gained FAO much repulse from decent Venezuelans.
I ask you respectfully, once again, to put things right in Venezuela’s FAO office and in your own headquarters, so that your organization stops being an accomplice of the tragic crime being committed by the Venezuelan regime of Nicolas Maduro.
Gustavo Coronel
Phone: 703-3567470

10 comentarios:

  1. No sorprende la actitud de la FAO, que al igual que la OEA esta muy lejos de cumplir su mandato y se dedican a la politica y la busqueda de intereses pecunarios. Estoy seguro ese tal premio a Maduro le costo a Venezuela una buena cantidad.
    Como sinverguenzas de mucha experiencia, dudo que Ud. reciba alguna respuesta seria de 'este organismo inutil y en buena parte corrupto.

  2. Lo dudo también. Sin embargo, es preciso seguir denunciando estas conductas que averguenzan y que desprestigian a las Naciones Unidas.

  3. Que significa FAO? Falsos Altamente Orgaizados? Fakers And Out? Fo, Algo Obtendremos?

  4. Este es uno ejemplo de como las organizaciones internacionales se han corrompido y politizado.
    No se le puede creer nada a nadie.
    Si la FAO puede decir que no hay un problema de hambre y salud en Venezuela es un problema de corrupcion total de la FAO.
    Ahora lo mismo pasa con organizaciones como NOAA que reportan datos manipulados de clima, o la Universided de East Anglia o Penn State Climetology Departments.
    O el grupo de las Naciones Unidas IPCC que creo la alarma original en 1996 de que la temperatura iba a aumentar en 4 grados, despues en 2009 dicen no va a aumentar solo 2 y posiblemente menos de dos. Todo esto usando datos manipulados de NOAA, East Anglia y Penn State.
    Pero eso a Ud no le molesta y cree todas las "predicciones".

  5. Sr. Coronel, yo escribí igualmente a la FAO reclamando su actitud y aunque reconozco que no soy mas que un ciudadano corriente, tampoco recibí el mas mínimo comentario, le propongo, que con su influencia y reconocimiento, haga una petición en que es tal vez la plataforma mas común y popular para este tipo de situaciones, a ver si entre todos logramos que esa vergüenza de organización no solo cese inmediatamente sus loas a la dictadura bananera de Maduro, sino que de una vez empiece a describir la realidad del pueblo venezolano y la hambruna que está creando este monstruo desalmado. Gracias por su articulo que me permito compartir.


  6. Buena idea la del último comentarista

  7. FAO= Fo, a Algo Olemos.
    FAO= Farts And Odors

    Otro grupo de gozones que se da Buena vida en el mundo occidental y no hace nada por la humanidad. Eliminen esa vaina. Como taxpayer Norteamericano exijo que no le manden mi plata a esa porqueria de organizacion corroida por la corrupcion.

  8. Gustavo se que no tiene que ver con el tema, pero como es posible que a Omar Infante los Detroit Tigers lo vayan a poner en el Center Field?

  9. Le tengo gran cariño a Omar Infante, quien tuvo un buen par de temporadas con Detroit, antes de ser enviado a Kansas City, pero no lo veo ni en center field, ni siquiera ya como jugador de grandes ligas .
    Detroit cometió el grave error de salir de su mejor jugador el año pasado, Maybin, y se quedó sin jardinero central. Ahora están improvisando. No creo que Omar pueda hacerlo, no batea lo suficiente ni es lo suficientemente rápido para justificar su inclusión en la alineación.
