Me baso, para
decir esto, en una charla dada por Weber, en Enero de 1919, a estudiantes de Bavaria . La charla se tituló:
“La Política como vocación”.
Confrontado con la tragedia venezolana he tratado de examinar con alguna
atención lo que dicen algunas grandes figuras intelectuales sobre el tema de la
ética y la política. Una recomendación de Gustavo Tarre me ha llevado a leer
esta conferencia de Max Weber sobre este y otros temas. La he leído en su versión en inglés.
El texto es majestuoso. Verlo completo en:
. Alternativamente diáfano, lleno de grandes
hallazgos y ocasionalmente oscuro y hasta contradictorio, como un lago de aguas profundas que no dejan ver el lecho. Lo
que hecho es seleccionar trozos que me parecen de especial relevancia para
nuestros dilemas venezolanos, con la esperanza de encontrar en ellos la
linterna que ilumine el camino a seguir ante la tragedia de nuestro país. Después de trabajar con la versión en inglés
descubrí una traducción al español, cuando ya había trabajado sobre la versión
en inglés, por lo cual pido excusas. Se puede leer completa en:
Aquí transcribo los párrafos seleccionados, con mis comentarios:
There are two ways of making politics one's
vocation: Either one lives 'for' politics or one lives 'off' politics. By no
means is this contrast an exclusive one. The rule is, rather, that man does
both, at least in thought, and certainly he also does both in practice. He who
lives 'for' politics makes politics his life, in an internal sense. Either he
enjoys the naked possession of the power he exerts, or he nourishes his inner
balance and self-feeling by the consciousness that his life has meaning in the
service of a 'cause.' In this internal sense, every sincere man who lives for a
cause also lives off this cause. The distinction hence refers to a much more
substantial aspect of the matter, namely, to the economic. He who strives to
make politics a permanent source of income lives 'off' politics as a vocation,
whereas he who does not do this lives 'for' politics. Under the dominance of
the private property order, some--if you wish-- very trivial preconditions must
exist in order for a person to be able to live 'for' politics in this economic
sense. Under normal conditions, the politician must be economically independent
of the income politics can bring him. This means, quite simply, that the
politician must be wealthy or must have a personal position in life which
yields a sufficient income.
Mi comentario: En Venezuela hemos tenido destacados hombres y mujeres
quienes han vivido para la política: Betancourt fue uno de ellos, ciertamente.
Pero a medida que estos hombres fueron dejando la escena se impuso, más y más,
la presencia de quienes viven de la política. En términos generales y
respetando las excepciones, ello ha conllevado una mediocrización de la
política venezolana y a un deterioro del cuadro ético en el cual se desempeña
la actividad.
Either politics can be conducted 'honorifically'
and then, as one usually says, by 'independent,' that is, by wealthy, men, and
especially by rentiers. Or, political leadership is made accessible to
propertyless men who must then be rewarded. The professional politician who
lives 'off' politics may be a pure 'prebendary' or a salaried 'official.' Then
the politician receives either income from fees and perquisites for specific
services--tips and bribes are only an irregular and formally illegal variant of
this category of income-- or a fixed income in kind, a money salary, or both. …With
the development of the money economy, perquisites and prebends especially are
the typical rewards for the following of princes, victorious conquerors, or
successful party chiefs. For loyal services today, party leaders give offices
of all sorts --in parties, newspapers, co-operative societies, health
insurance, municipalities, as well as in the state. All party struggles are
struggles for the patronage of office, as well as struggles for objective goals
Mi comentario. De nuevo, en nuestro país la política
ha sido vista, con creciente frecuencia, como la vía de acceso a la riqueza por
parte de lo que ha sido, con frecuencia, una legión de aventureros. A
diferencia de otros países como los nórdicos europeos o los Estados Unidos o
Canadá, donde mucha gente rica entra en la política para lograr poder, en
Venezuela mucha gente accede al poder político para hacer dinero. Quienes está
sedientos de poder, a lo Chávez y Maduro, a veces se olvidan de robar ellos,
aunque no les importa que sus amigos lo hagan.
To take a stand, to be passionate--ira et
studium--is the politician's element, and above all the element of the
political leader. His conduct is subject to quite a different, indeed, exactly
the opposite, principle of responsibility from that of the civil servant. The
honor of the civil servant is vested in his ability to execute conscientiously
the order of the superior authorities, exactly as if the order agreed with his
own conviction. This holds even if the order appears wrong to him and if,
despite the civil servant's remonstrances, the authority insists on the order.
Without this moral discipline and self-denial, in the highest sense, the whole
apparatus would fall to pieces. The honor of the political leader, of the
leading statesman, however, lies precisely in an exclusive personal
responsibility for what he does, a responsibility he cannot and must not reject
or transfer. It is in the nature of officials of high moral standing to be poor
politicians, and above all, in the political sense of the word, to be
irresponsible politicians. In this sense, they are politicians of low moral
standing, such as we unfortunately have had again and again in leading
Mi comentario: Weber habla aquí de como la pasión,
la adopción de una postura decidida, es un atributo esencial del líder. En contraste,
dice, el burócrata debe limitarse a obedecer, aun cuando la orden no cuadre con
sus convicciones. El habla de esa sumisión como disciplina moral. Aquí difiero.
Nadie debe hacer lo que considere inmoral. En lo que se refiere a la pasión, Weber
no considera que esa pasión pueda ser fingida, en cuyo caso estamos frente a un
demagogo. Ese fue el trágico caso de Chávez.
power actually rests in the hands of those who, within the organization, handle
the work continuously. Otherwise, power rests in the hands of those on whom the
organization in its processes depends financially or personally--for instance,
on the Maecenases or the directors of powerful political clubs of interested
persons (Tammany Hall). It is decisive that this whole apparatus of people--
characteristically called a 'machine' in Anglo-Saxon countries--or rather those
who direct the machine, keep the members of the parliament in check. They are
in a position to impose their will to a rather far-reaching extent, and that is
of special significance for the selection of the party leader. The man whom the
machine follows now becomes the leader, even over the head of the parliamentary
party. In other words, the creation of such machines signifies the advent of
plebiscitarian democracy.
Mi comentario: Al leer esto recuerdo a Henry Ramos
Allup. Él ha sido un gran trabajador político y por ello ha sido el jefe
absoluto de los restos de la maquinaria que fue Acción Democrática y tiene el
poder de esa organización en sus manos. El otro dueño del poder en organizaciones
políticas es el que tiene el dinero para financiarla. En el caso del chavismo
ello fue posible gracias a la total discrecionalidad de Chávez sobre el dinero
petrolero, facilitada por la inmoralidad de sus colaboradores, una verdadera
pandilla de malhechores.
Now then, the boss is the figure who appears
in the picture of this system of the plebiscitarian party machine. Who is the
boss? He is a political capitalist entrepreneur who on his own account and at
his own risk provides votes…. The
typical boss is an absolutely sober man. He does not seek social honor; the
'professional' is despised in 'respectable society.' He seeks power alone,
power as a source of money, but also power for power's sake….The boss has no
firm political 'principles'; he is completely unprincipled in attitude and asks
merely: What will capture votes? Frequently he is a rather poorly educated man.
But as a rule he leads an inoffensive and correct private life. In his
political morals, however, he naturally adjusts to the average ethical
standards of political conduct, as a great many of us also may have done during
the hoarding period in the field of economic ethics.
Mi comentario: En este párrafo sobre financistas y
eminencias grises vemos el retrato de un Luis Alfaro Ucero, de un Luis Miquilena,
quizás de un Pedro Tinoco, los poderes detrás del trono. No un José Vicente
Rangel, quien ha tratado inútilmente de serlo y de lograr la presidencia del país, maniobrando
toda la vida, sin poder conseguirlo, apenas relegado a ser un miembro más de la
Well, first of all the career of politics
grants a feeling of power. The knowledge of influencing men, of participating
in power over them, and above all, the feeling of holding in one's hands a
nerve fiber of historically important events can elevate the professional
politician above everyday routine even when he is placed in formally modest
positions. But now the question for him is: Through what qualities can I hope
to do justice to this power (however narrowly circumscribed it may be in the
individual case)? How can he hope to do justice to the responsibility that
power imposes upon him? With this we enter the field of ethical questions, for
that is where the problem belongs: What kind of a man must one be if he is to
be allowed to put his hand on the wheel of history? One can say that three
pre-eminent qualities are decisive for the politician: passion, a feeling of
responsibility, and a sense of proportion
Mi comentario: Aquí entramos en el asunto medular.
¿Qué clase de persona es la indicada para optar al poder? Weber responde que
son tres las cualidades requeridas: La pasión, un sentido de responsabilidad y
un sentido de la proporción. Al pensar en sentidos de responsabilidad y de proporción, dice Weber, no es posible separarnos
del campo de la ética.
The sin against the lofty spirit of his
vocation, however, begins where this striving for power ceases to be objective
and becomes purely personal self-intoxication, instead of exclusively entering
the service of 'the cause.' For ultimately there are only two kinds of deadly
sins in the field of politics: lack of objectivity and-often but not always
identical with it--irresponsibility. Vanity, the need personally to stand in
the foreground as clearly as possible, strongly tempts the politician to commit
one or both of these sins. This is more truly the case as the demagogue is
compelled to count upon 'effect.' He therefore is constantly in danger of
becoming an actor as well as taking lightly the responsibility for the outcome
of his actions and of being concerned merely with the 'impression' he makes.
His lack of objectivity tempts him to strive for the glamorous semblance of power
rather than for actual power. His irresponsibility, however, suggests that he
enjoy power merely for power's sake without a substantive purpose. …It is a
product of a shoddy and superficially blase attitude towards the meaning of
human conduct; and it has no relation whatsoever to the knowledge of tragedy
with which all action, but especially political action, is truly interwoven.
Mi comentario. Aquí Weber es tajante. Habla del
riesgo que enfrenta el político de desviarse por el deseo de poder por el
poder, por la vanidad y la carencia de
objetividad. Cuando cede a esos riesgos, añade Weber, el político se convierte
en un demagogo ejerciendo el poder por el poder mismo, sin un propósito
sustantivo. Entonces, diríamos, el político
se convierte en un traidor a su pueblo y a sí mismo, el caso de Chávez.
what relations do ethics and politics
actually have? Have the two nothing whatever to do with one another, as has
occasionally been said? Or, is the reverse true: that the ethic of political
conduct is identical with that of any other conduct? Occasionally an exclusive
choice has been believed to exist between the two propositions--either the one
or the other proposition must be correct. But is it true that any ethic of the
world could establish commandments of identical content for erotic, business,
familial, and official relations; for the relations to one's wife, to the
green-grocer, the son, the competitor, the friend, the defendant? Should it
really matter so little for the ethical demands on politics that politics
operates with very special means, namely, power backed up by violence?
Mi comentario: Aquí Weber se pregunta sobre la
relación entre política y ética. ¿Será que no tienen nada que ver la una con la
otra? Weber distingue entre la ética del
fin último y la ética de la responsabilidad. La primera promueve la acción sin
pensar en las consecuencias, bajo la acción de un imperativo ético. La segunda
tiene en consideración los resultados de su acción. Aquí parecería que Weber
tiene una cierta inclinación a pensar que la ética que se aplica a la relación
con el verdulero no debe ser la misma que la que se aplica a la relación con la esposa. Añade que no debe olvidarse que la
política opera bajo condiciones especiales, como es el poder apoyado en la
violencia. Aquí Weber me deja confundido.
We must be clear about the fact that all
ethically oriented conduct may be guided by one of two fundamentally differing
and irreconcilably opposed maxims: conduct can be oriented to an 'ethic of
ultimate ends' or to an 'ethic of responsibility.' This is not to say that an
ethic of ultimate ends is identical with irresponsibility, or that an ethic of
responsibility is identical with unprincipled opportunism. Naturally nobody
says that. However, there is an abysmal contrast between conduct that follows
the maxim of an ethic of ultimate ends--that is, in religious terms, 'The
Christian does rightly and leaves the results with the Lord'--and conduct that
follows the maxim of an ethic of responsibility, in which case one has to give
an account of the foreseeable results of one's action….. But even herewith the
problem is not yet exhausted. No ethics in the world can dodge the fact that in
numerous instances the attainment of 'good' ends is bound to the fact that one
must be willing to pay the price of using morally dubious means or at least
dangerous ones--and facing the possibility or even the probability of evil ramifications.
From no ethics in the world can it be concluded when and to what extent the
ethically good purpose 'justifies' the ethically dangerous means and
Mi comentario. Aquí Weber sigue en la onda de
arriba, pero me tranquiliza al presentar
otra faceta del asunto. Dice que el político debe estar dispuesto a pagar el
precio de utilizar medios de dudosa moralidad para lograr sus fines, ya que
esos medios pueden llevarlo a perversas ramificaciones. Ninguna ética, añade
Weber, puede justificar que una buena intención justifique el uso de medios éticamente
peligrosos y sus ramificaciones. Aquí yo creo entender que Weber, si viviera
hoy, no estaría de acuerdo con ir a las elecciones anticipadas en Venezuela, bajo
la rectoría de las bandidas del CNE y de los corruptos de la ANC.
it is immensely moving when a mature man--
no matter whether old or young in years--is aware of a responsibility for the
consequences of his conduct and really feels such responsibility with heart and
soul. He then acts by following an ethic of responsibility and somewhere he
reaches the point where he says: 'Here I stand; I can do no other.' That is
something genuinely human and moving. And every one of us who is not
spiritually dead must realize the possibility of finding himself at some time
in that position. In so far as this is true, an ethic of ultimate ends and an
ethic of responsibility are not absolute contrasts but rather supplements)
which only in unison constitute a genuine man--a man who can have the 'calling for politics.'
Mi comentario: Me siento muy identificado con esto
que dice Weber. Cita a Martín Lutero: “Aquí me planto. No puedo hacer nada más”,
como ejemplo de responsabilidad. Cada uno de nosotros, dice Weber, se verá en algún
momento en esa necesidad de plantarse, de definirse. Weber dice que, cuando eso
ocurra, es muy probable que se le pueda hacer el honor a la política. Es cuando
las actitudes son ambiguas y divorciadas de la ética que el político
Politics is a strong and slow boring of hard
boards. It takes both passion and perspective. Certainly all historical
experience confirms the truth --that man would not have attained the possible
unless time and again he had reached out for the impossible. But to do that a
man must be a leader, and not only a leader but a hero as well, in a very sober
sense of the word.
Mi comentario: Para Weber el buen político debe
ser un líder y un héroe. Esa dualidad elimina a muchos de los políticos
venezolanos de hoy, especialmente aquellos que se preparan para participar en
las elecciones anticipadas convocadas por el Consejo Nacional Electoral de
Tibisay y la ANC de Delcy.
Weber no estaría sentado en República Dominicana.
4 comentarios:
Lo unico que se puede aceptar de este regimen es la rendicion incondicional.
Yo les aconsejaria que se marchasen para Cuba o donde los acepten, en el medio de la noche............para que pocos o nadie lo sepan.
Digo esto porque tal como le dijo un fulano a Perez Jimenez, vamonos, porque el cuello no reto~a.
Si una poblada o turba de gente agarra a cualquiera de los lideres del chavismo, seran ajusticiados inclementemente por un pueblo lleno de rabia, de odio y de frustracion.
Cojan sus corotos y vayanse bien lejos, malditos chavistas desgraciados
Los que se tienen que ir son ellos, no nosotros, como dijo el sacerdote en Barquisimeto hace pocos dias............
chavistas, vayanse y dejen a la gran mayoria de los Venezolanos vivir en paz.
parece que no hubo acuerdo..............parece que a la mud le llego la onda del pueblo
Henry Falson y el van pa'l baile
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