Rafael Correa, although better schooled than the Venezuelan neandertal, would comment after the visit of U.S. Congressman McGovern to Ecuador: "He is a nice person, I thought he was a gangster like all Republicans" [McGovern is a democrat].
Daniel Ortega is probably the gold standard of loutish behavior. He lives in a house that he took forcibly from his current vicepresident (who seems to have forgiven him) and for about 14 years raped systematically his step-daughter, with the complicity of the mother, Rosario Murillo (his wife and real force behind the presidency of Nicaragua).
Evo Morales is more moderate, although he is learning quickly. "In two years" he said, "the government employee who does not speak Quechua will be fired"; or, "The foreign oil companies are thieves"; or, "Alan Garcia is a traitor and the worst president in the world".
Fernando Lugo, the bishop on leave while president of Paraguay, who has been accused by four women to be the father of their children [he has accepted one or two of them already], has declared his admiration for Chavez and says: "If he is a dictator, I want to be a dictator too"
Zelaya, of course, is the newest Chavez recruit. He purports to be a man from the rural backwaters of Honduras and looks and sound the part by behaving in a boorish manner. He has been a rich land and cattle owner for years but now desires both more money and unlimited power.
This epidemics of loutish manners seems to confirm Wittgenstein's ideas about language being firmly interwoven with the fabric of life, making up the boundaries of our own world. In the case of the ALBA club members, their language and manners is clearly the expression of their swinish political attitudes.
2 comentarios:
You should read about José "Pepe" Mujica, Uruguayan presidential candidate for the ruling left-wing party (Frente Amplio). He is rude, gross, is proud of never wearing a suit or tie, and of not belonging to the elite "intelligentsia". And people love him! I think our societies are sick, morals and education are outdated... And I am worried, very worried!
In the 60's people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.
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