Alvarez Herrera (below)

Hugo Chavez has informed that the Cuban killer, Ramiro Valdes, arrived in Venezuela "to advise Venezuela in electricity matters". As there is nothing the Cubans can teach Venezuela in electricity matters, the true reason of Valdes' presence in Venezuela is said to be the supervision of military intelligence matters. He would supervise Hugo Carvajal, the current head of military intelligence and one of the links of Chavez with the terrorist Colombian irregulars, FARC . This move represents the high point, so far, of Castro's invasion of Venezuela, promoted by traitor Hugo Chavez.
There are more than 65,000 Cubans in Venezuela, a true invasion army, which already ocuppies highly sensitive positions within the documentation, police and immigration agencies of the Venezuelan government.
This is a situation as serious for hemispheric security as the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba during the 1960's.
The OAS should convene a special meeting at once to consider this situation.
Venezuelans should insurge against the despots.
Chavez representative in the OAS Roy Chaderton should explain this treasonous action by dictator Chavez. Chavez representative to the U.S. Alvarez should be called by the State Departmen to explain this development.
Jorge Valero currently acting as Chavez's envoy to the U.N. should explain how Venezuela is now a Cuban colony.
How can these men support this infamy? Where is their sense of decorum? Where is their decency? Did they ever have dignity?
As a Venezuelan I wish I could face these clowns and give them a piece of my mind. They have systematically refused to debate with me or with any other democratic Venezuelan in the U.S. They have their hired guns to do this job for them, none of them Venezuelans.
2 comentarios:
Esto es facil de ver: el hampon está bajando toda la basura para poder meterse en colombia. El hampon no va a quedar feliz hasta no intentarlo, porque el hampon ya se ve a el mismo durmiendo en la casa de nariño o en la quinta de bolivar en bogota. Y eso, mas que ordenes de castro es la simple gana de traficar mas y mas. ROBAR ROBAR ROBAR!!! Pero lo que el hampon no sabe es que no le quedan ni dos telediarios... saldrá con los pies por delante, si le llegan a quedar...
Me hace recordar en la situación que se encontraba Chile previo al Golpe Militar del general Augusto Pinochet. Estábamos invadidos por agitadores cubanos que se entrometían en los asuntos políticos internos de Chile. Hubo una reacción visceral del pueblo chileno todo, implorándole a nuestras FF.AA. de intervenir y salvar a la patria del cáncer marxista. El "cuándo" y el "cómo" actuar por parte del pueblo venezolano se acerca rápidamente, porque ,si dejan las cosas tomar su propio curso, es posible que se encuentren "ad portas" de una guerra civil fratricida que nadie quiere pero que podría llegar a ser la única salida para la crisis creada por el populista y payaso Hugo Chávez Frías.
Saludos Cordiales.
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