martes, 16 de junio de 2015

Un mensaje para Eva Golinger/a message for Mrs. Eva Golinger

Dear Mrs. Golinger:
I have looked at your excellent website: , in which you list all your areas of expertise as follows:
International Relations, Communications Strategy, Latin American Politics, Transnational Accountability/Corporate Responsability (sic), International Law, Human Rights Law​, Media law, etc.
These impressive qualifications, plus your intimate knowledge of the high level Venezuelan bureaucracy of the last 16 years, especially of Hugo Chavez, as illustrated by the wonderful photographs placing you with him, and with Fidel Castro, Chavez, Maduro, Ahmadinejad, Lukashenko and other very important people, have left no doubt in my mind that you are the ideal person to help me in a piece of research I am starting. My project is the compilation of a document describing the acts of corruption and human rights violations of the Venezuelan chavista regime, during the period 2000-2015, for the use of international tribunals, law makers and the knowledge of international and Venezuelan public opinion. I am certain that your expertise and direct experience with the government during those years will be of invaluable help to me in this task. I am also certain that your ideals and principles are totally in line with this project and hope that you accept.

Gustavo Coronel

8 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Prognosticos similares para Venezuela!

LA realidad duele!

Anónimo dijo...

TUQUITI! Esa mujer inventa titulos y se imagina violaciones. Pura pacotilla...como se dira "pacotilla" en ingles para que ella entienda?

Alida Martinez U. dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Anónimo dijo...

Pacotilla= Bullshit

Sledge dijo...

Toma tu tomate! Excelente.

Anónimo dijo...

Si el Yonny Bolívar tuvo acceso a Eva Golinger Esq. es porque también es un protegido del régimen. Sabiendo que si es entregado al gobierno venezolano saldrá libre en poco tiempo, la niña acusa para evitarlo. Si aún así queda libre, la veremos mudándose a USA.

RLEE dijo...

Let's lie as long someone out there is stupid enough to believe us. Lying is what Chavismo is all about anyway, right?

Eduardo Rivero dijo...

GENIAL.Que carta mas buena!!!