(What the Washington DC based Venezuelan Information Office will not show).
More than eight years ago severe landslides and mudslides came down on the Venezuelan coastal area north of Caracas, killing some 35,000 people and destroying private property and considerable public infrastructure. When the U.S. government sent two ships with engineering equipment and specialized staff to help repair roads, bridges and clean debris, President Hugo Chavez refused to let them dock. Some $50 million worth of help was denied on purely political and ideological grounds.
Eight years later this is, below, how the area still looks. This is in a country that has had over $300 billion in oil income during those years, a country that subsidizes thousands of poor families in the U.S. with cheap fuel oil and thousands of London inhabitants with cheap gasoline, so that the developed world can think of Hugo Chavez as a philantropist. Meanwhile, Venezuela still has 46% of the population living in poverty, with average incomes of less than $1500 per year, unemployment is the highest in Latin America and severe food shortages exist.

(What the Washington DC based Venezuelan Information Office will not show).
More than eight years ago severe landslides and mudslides came down on the Venezuelan coastal area north of Caracas, killing some 35,000 people and destroying private property and considerable public infrastructure. When the U.S. government sent two ships with engineering equipment and specialized staff to help repair roads, bridges and clean debris, President Hugo Chavez refused to let them dock. Some $50 million worth of help was denied on purely political and ideological grounds.
Eight years later this is, below, how the area still looks. This is in a country that has had over $300 billion in oil income during those years, a country that subsidizes thousands of poor families in the U.S. with cheap fuel oil and thousands of London inhabitants with cheap gasoline, so that the developed world can think of Hugo Chavez as a philantropist. Meanwhile, Venezuela still has 46% of the population living in poverty, with average incomes of less than $1500 per year, unemployment is the highest in Latin America and severe food shortages exist.

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